Agenda item - Chairman's Communications

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Agenda item

Chairman's Communications


Webcasting of Planning Committee Meetings


126.1              The Chairman explained that following a “soft” launch meetings of the Planning Committee were to be webcast live from that afternoon. Following the success of webcasts of full Council, Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Commission, Planning Committee was also to be webcast. Those 4 meetings would be used as a pilot study which would run until June 2009. Members were reminded to speak directly into their microphones and to switch them off when they had finished speaking in order to ensure that they could be heard clearly both within the Council Chamber and the Public Gallery above.


126.2              The Clerk to the Committee explained that correspondence sent to those wishing to make representations at meetings included information to ensure that they were aware that meetings were to be webcast and guidance was given relative to use of equipment available in the meeting room including operating instructions for the microphones.


126.3              RESOLVED - That the position be noted.


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