Agenda item - Progress and proposals for Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles
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Agenda item
Progress and proposals for Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 7th July, 2015 4.00pm (Item 11.)
- View the background to item 11.
Report of the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
1) That the Committee welcomes the progress that has been made in the city to increase the use of ultra-low emission vehicles, especially electric vehicles.
2) That the Committee agrees to the continued investment in Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle [ULEV] technology and infrastructure to upgrade and increase the availability of on-street charging for public use, including:-
i) an initial upgrade of up to four of the existing eight on-street electric vehicle charging points;
ii) a second phase of upgrades to the remaining, existing on-street electric vehicle charging points; and
iii) the installation of new on- and off-street electric vehicle charging points across the city between 2015/16 and 2018/19.
3) That the Committee approves the dissolution of the existing Brighton & Hove City Council Electric Vehicle Charing Point Registration Scheme and the transfer of the administration and use of all current and future charge points to an established national charging network.
4) That the Committee authorises officers to continue to work together with partners and stakeholders to identify and pursue opportunities to install equipment and bid for external funding to support the upgrade and expansion of Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle [ULEV] technology and infrastructure within the city.
11.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing that outlined a number of future proposals that are required to maintain, update and expand the infrastructure required to support and facilitate the greater uptake and use of Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV’s in the city, especially electric vehicles.
11.2 Councillor Barradell asked if any future agreement could include access to detailed information on charging point usage without having to pay a fee for that information. Furthermore, Councillor Barradell asked if the rapid charging point would provide free parking for just 20 minutes.
11.3 The Head of Transport Policy & Strategy clarified that there had been changes with the provider of monitoring information on how charging information was obtained and the council would be looking at options available in any new arrangement. The Head of Transport Policy & Strategy added that the rapid charger was only available off-street and it was likely to only provide twenty minutes free stay as that would allow sufficient time for a full charge of any vehicle. Fast chargers would remain at three hours in accordance with the relevant Traffic Regulation Order.
1) That the Committee welcomes the progress that has been made in the city to increase the use of ultra-low emission vehicles, especially electric vehicles.
2) That the Committee agrees to the continued investment in Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle [ULEV] technology and infrastructure to upgrade and increase the availability of on-street charging for public use, including:-
i) an initial upgrade of up to four of the existing eight on-street electric vehicle charging points;
ii) a second phase of upgrades to the remaining, existing on-street electric vehicle charging points; and
iii) the installation of new on- and off-street electric vehicle charging points across the city between 2015/16 and 2018/19.
3) That the Committee approves the dissolution of the existing Brighton & Hove City Council Electric Vehicle Charing Point Registration Scheme and the transfer of the administration and use of all current and future charge points to an established national charging network.
4) That the Committee authorises officers to continue to work together with partners and stakeholders to identify and pursue opportunities to install equipment and bid for external funding to support the upgrade and expansion of Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle [ULEV] technology and infrastructure within the city.
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