Agenda item - Update on New Homes for Neighbourhoods programme

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Agenda item

Update on New Homes for Neighbourhoods programme

(copy attached).


36.1      The Panel considered a report that provided a progress update on the New Homes for Neighbourhoods programme.


36.2      Charles Penrose enquired as to the rental price of the new properties.


36.3      The Housing Programme Manager stated that it had been agreed to set rents on new builds at affordable rent status that was up to 80% of market rent.


36.4      Christina Hadleigh asked if there was any intention to build upwards on low rise properties.


36.5      The Hosuing Programme Manager replied that this was not currently on their programme but may be considered in the future.


36.6      Barry Hughes suggested that the development at Ardingly could be named ‘Kift Court’ in memory of Chris Kift who had recently passed away.


36.7      The Housing Programme Manager stated that this was a good suggestion that he would put to the street naming team.


36.8      Jane Thorp asked when the draft Housing Strategy might be agreed and specifically, discussion of any proposals on building upwards on medium rise properties.


36.9      The Housing Programme Manager stated that discussions on build upwards were at a very early stage and there were no firm plans. It was clarified that the draft Housing Strategy had been approved by Housing Committee at their meeting the previous week.


36.10   RESOLVED- That the report be noted.


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