Agenda item - Implications of ASB and Policing Act 2014
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Agenda item
Implications of ASB and Policing Act 2014
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: Central Area, Tuesday, 27th January, 2015 2.00pm (Item 39.)
- View the background to item 39.
(copy attached).
39.1 The Panel considered a report that provided an update on the new provisions for tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) contained within the Anti-Social bad Policing Act 2014.
39.2 Chris Row noted the difficulties in compiling evidence of ASB and conveyed his view that the current legislation appeared to protect perpetrators of ASB rather than victims.
39.3 The Senior Tenancy Enforcement Officer stated that under the current legislation, the council had to demonstrate a provision of support to resolve the problem. The Head of Tenancy Services added that the provisions were an attempt to redress the perception of an imbalance in duty of care and support and it was important for residents to be encouraged to report ASB.
39.4 Chris Row asked if tenants undertaking a mutual exchange were vetted.
39.5 The Senior Tenancy Enforcement Officer confirmed that mutual exchanges were subject to reference checks.
39.6 RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
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