Agenda item - Sheltered Housing

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Agenda item

Sheltered Housing

(copy attached).



39.1      The Panel considered a report that set out recommendations to better define the aims and purposes of the sheltered housing service following a review conducted in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Housing in 2013. The recommendations also proposed a name change to ‘Seniors Housing- Independent and Community Living’.


39.2      Councillor Barnett stated that sheltered housing residents should have first priority within their own blocks when vacancies arise at a lower level and that the scheme should be asked before the premises was advertised.


39.3      The Older Persons Housing Manager confirmed that this was a priority in the local lettings plan. The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement added that applications could be put in at any time and housing could offer support to complete the necessary forms.


39.4      Alison Gray asked if the council were working with Access Point for those that had needs but couldn’t get accommodation.


39.5      The Older Persons Housing Manager confirmed that the council worked with Access Point and Public Health on how to extend the reach of current functions and was part of an emerging change in the sector.


39.6      Roy Crowhurst expressed his concern that the application needed a GP’s letter confirming the applicant’s status when it would be quicker and simpler for the lettings officer to confirm any priority need.


39.7      The Older Persons Housing agreed that the lettings process was currently quite lengthy and discussions were underway with the lettings team as to how to address some of the issues.


39.8      RESOLVED- That the report be noted.


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