Agenda item - Minutes of the Previous Meeting

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Agenda item

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2014 (copy attached).


37.1      RESOLVED- That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 December be approved and signed as the correct record.


37.2      Bob Spacie asked for any further update on the qualifying age for the Discretionary Decorating and Gardening Scheme.


37.3      The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement clarified that Housing Committee had agreed to set the qualifying age at 70 rather than the proposed 75. She added that the savings identified would be used to support residents now on the threshold on qualifying age.


37.4      Bob Spacie stated that he was still awaiting an update on water fountains in sheltered schemes.


37.5      The Head of Tenancy Services apologised for the delay in sending feedback to Bob and would ensure he would receive an update.

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