Agenda item - Update on New Homes for Neighbourhoods programme
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Agenda item
Update on New Homes for Neighbourhoods programme
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: North Area, Monday, 2nd February, 2015 7.00pm (Item 39.)
- View the background to item 39.
(copy attached).
39.1 The Panel considered a report that provided a progress update on the New Homes for Neighbourhoods programme including an update on progress at Selsfield Drive specifically.
39.2 The Chair noted that work would not commence at Selsfield Drive for some time and asked if there was any way to speed up the process.
39.3 The Project Manager stated that it would be difficult to reduce that timescale as there were large works required such installing a sewer system and ground works. Furthermore, it was very important to gather residents views regarding the development.
39.4 Ray Marchant noted that there had been a request to incorporate a small housing office at the Selsfield Drive site and asked if it was feasible to do so.
39.5 The Project Manager stated that this request had not yet been passed to him but he would discuss the option with colleagues.
39.6 Peter Hartley asked if the building would be a green development.
39.7 The Project Manager confirmed that there would be green spaces, food growing areas and would adhere to sustainability code level 4 which was very high.
39.8 Heather Hayes noted that residents had concerns regarding the buildings size and were worried light to their properties would be restricted.
39.9 The Project Manager clarified that whilst the building would be five storey in height, it would be designed as such that it would be of similar size as a three storey building. The proposed development had also passed a ‘rights of light’ test.
39.10 RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
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