Agenda item - Public Involvement

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Agenda item

Public Involvement

To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


(a)          Petitions: To receive any petitions presented by members of the public


(i)            Surrenden & Fiveways Parking Proposals


(ii)          Traffic Calming on Preston Park Avenue


(iii)         Zebra Crossing on Bear Road


(iv)         Food Waste collection and composting; council-led


(v)          Beaconsfield Road parking


(vi)         Light touch parking restrictions, Rothbury Road and Jesmond Road


(b)          Written Questions: To receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 6 October 2015.


(i)            Pedestrian Crossing Whitehawk Road


(c)          Deputations: To receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 6 October 2015.


(i)            Controlled Parking Zone in Lauriston and Cumberland Roads Preston Village



(a)          Petitions


(i)            Surrenden & Fiveways Parking Proposals- John Colman


20.1      The Committee considered a petition signed by 644 people requesting the council to abandon proposals to introduce new parking regulations in the Surrenden and Fiveways area.


20.2      The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for presenting your petition. As you will note, this issue will be considered in the report on the consultation results for this area being considered by this Committee later in the meeting”.


20.3      RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.


(ii)          Traffic Calming on Preston Park Avenue- Damian Brewer


20.4      The Committee considered a petition signed by 16 people requesting the council investigate and implement traffic calming measures on Preston Park Avenue due to motorist’s excessive speeding.


20.5      The Chair provided the following response:


Thank you for your petition. 

As you may know, the implementation of the city-wide 20mph speed limit includes a period of monitoring to measure speeds and the extent of non-compliance.  Following this, consideration of further, physical measures to support the speed limit will be carried out and a programme of measures will be brought before this Committee at a later date for approval following consultation with residents.  Residents' concerns for Preston Park Avenue will be recorded and considered alongside the monitoring and evaluation of solutions.


20.6      RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.


(iii)         Zebra Crossing on Bear Road- Emma Davies


20.7      The Committee considered a petition signed by 264 people requesting the council install a pedestrian crossing on Bear Road above the Bevendean Road turning.


20.8      The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your petition. 

The council has an assessment procedure for the implementation of crossing facilities to ensure safe locations, assess demand and so on. The council has limited funds and so has to prioritise.

After receiving you petition I have asked the Road Safety Team to survey that particular section of Bear Road in the next round of surveys and if it is judged that a crossing is warranted then it will be included within a recommended crossing programme”. 


20.9      RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.


(iv)         Food waste collection and composting, council-led- Hannah Rose-Tristram


20.10   The Committee considered a petition signed by 447 people requesting the council to provide a food waste collection and composting service.


20.11   The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your petition.

We do recognise the importance of managing waste sustainably which is why we are bringing forward initiatives to make it easier for people to recycle and boost recycling levels.

Officers have carried out a lot of detailed work to assess the feasibility of a food waste collection for the city, including the challenges of food waste collections from city centre blocks of flats.  It would cost an additional £1.2m per year to provide this service at a time when budgets are being significantly reduced and we have placed an emphasis on maintaining good quality, basic public services and improving our existing recycling service.  

We do recognise that we throw away far too much food and we actively work with the city’s Food Partnership in schools and communities to encourage people to waste less food.

The city now has over 1,000 households participating in community composting and we want to see that number increase.  Subsidies are offered for compost bins and wormeries.

On a final note I am pleased to say that less than 5% of all our waste goes to landfill”. 


20.12   RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.


(v)          Beaconsfield Road parking- Liz Goodwin


20.13   The Committee considered a petition signed by 61 people requesting the council introduce some form of resident parking scheme in Beaconsfield Road to alleviate problems being encountered by residents.


20.14   The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your petition and for outlining the parking problems in your neighbourhood.

Before giving consideration to consulting on a resident parking scheme an assessment of the parking issues in the area would be made.

Parking scheme design has to comply with legal requirements and a one road solution may well not be successful as the number of parking spaces able to be offered could end up being much less than the overall demand. 

A consultation for any potential scheme would need to have wide support from the area that could be affected so your petition will be logged and could be included in a further report on parking scheme consultations to this committee”. 


20.15   RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.


(vi)         Light Touch Parking Restrictions, Rothbury Road, Jesmond Road and Mornington Crescent- Tess Booth


20.16   The Committee considered a petition signed by 100 people requesting the council implement a light touch parking scheme in Rothbury Road, Jesmond Road and Mornington Crescent.


20.17   The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your petition

As you may be aware from the agenda the West Hove area is being discussed for inclusion in the parking scheme programme. This report is being presented later in the meeting when Members of the Committee will discuss the way forward”.


20.18   RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.


(vii)       Parking in the Hove Park area- Councillor Brown


20.19   The Committee considered a petition signed by 207 people that requested the council consult residents on a parking scheme to alleviate problems caused in the area.


20.20   The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your petition. As you may be aware from the agenda the Hove Park area is being discussed for inclusion in the parking scheme programme. This report is being presented later in the meeting when Members of the Committee will discuss the way forward”.


20.21   RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.


(b)          Written Questions


(i)            Pedestrian Crossing Whitehawk Road


20.22   Dee Edmonds presented the following question:


“Last October a petition organised by me and signed by nearly 1000 people was submitted about, about the urgent need for a pedestrian crossing at the Steiner School bottom of Whitehawk Road School.

Although Councillor Gill Mitchell supported the petition and said 'I hope that the request for a crossing will be taken seriously', the request seems to have been ignored.

Continued support in the area for a crossing is shown by another petition collecting 200 signatures.

I would like to know if children need to be seriously hurt or killed before a crossing is enacted at the end of Whitehawk Road”


20.23   The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your question.

As you may be aware, as part of the planning application for the development of the Royal Sussex County Hospital the council successfully negotiated section 106 monies for a number of highway improvements, which includes improvements for pedestrians in the area.

Part of the planning agreement was to release the money to the council once phase one of the hospital development had begun. Unfortunately, there have been some delays to the start of the hospital development which is outside of our control.


However, we are now hopeful that work on the hospital will begin shortly and we can begin the work to improve pedestrian crossings. Once we have some firm dates on the commencement of the works at the hospital I will ask Officers to contact you to discuss the pedestrian improvements to the area which the local community can all benefit from”


(c)          Deputations


(i)            Controlled Parking Zone in Lauriston  and Cumberland Road, Preston Village- Joanne Field


20.24   The Committee considered a Deputation requesting the council to introduce a controlled parking zone in in the Preston Village area.


20.25    The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your detailed deputation. As you may be aware from the agenda the Preston Village area is being discussed for inclusion in the parking scheme programme.

This report is being presented later in the meeting when Members of the Committee will discuss the way forward”.


20.26   RESOLVED- That the Deputation be noted.


(ii)          Surrenden & Fiveways area resident parking scheme- Andrew Coleman


20.27   The Committee considered a Deputation in support of the introduction of a controlled parking zone in the Fiveways area.


20.28   The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your detailed deputation. As you may be aware from the agenda the results of the consultation from the Surrenden & Fiveways area is being presented later in the meeting and Members of the Committee will discuss the way forward”.


20.29   RESOLVED- That the Deputation be noted.


(iii)         Parking Situation in West Hove- Peter Reeves


20.30   The Committee considered a Deputation requesting that residents be consulted on the option of joining the light touch parking zone adjoining the area to alleviate parking problems in the area.


20.31   The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your detailed deputation. As you may be aware from the agenda the West Hove area is being discussed for inclusion in the parking scheme programme.

This report is being presented later in the meeting when Members of the Committee will discuss the way forward”.


20.32   RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.

Supporting documents:


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