Agenda item - Chair's Communications
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Agenda item
Chair's Communications
Statement of Licensing Policy
14.1 The Chair explained that consultation had commenced on 30 September 2015. The licensing authority had contacted all statutory consultees, placed information on the council’s licensing pages and the council’s consultation portal. Businesses had been advised via Brighton Business Forum.
The Key Changes
14.2The key changes were as follows:
Review of overall structure and layout, removal of out of date and no longer relevant information to reflect changes in legislation.
Inclusion of an Executive Summary.
A new Section 2 “Public Health and Alcohol”, Public Health section, incorporating the latest Public Health thinking and perspective, including that of The Alcohol Programme Board.
A proposed new section titled “Special Policies and Initiatives” (section 3) to include BHCC policies in relation to the CIZ, SSA, Matrix, TENs, Off licences/sensible on strength scheme, student and organised beer crawls, night-time economy safeguarding initiatives.
A Matrix review (section 3.3)
Addition of Café/bars category to table
Removal residential/mixed areas from the table
Inclusion of an “Other Areas” category with rationale in note 7 of matrix notes (referring to Public Health framework document for alcohol decisions).
Restaurants in the SSA – change from 2am to Midnight
Pubs – change of times from 11pm to No in CIZ category
Removal of HVVD (supper pub) category
Members Clubs - add 11pm for CIA and SSA
Inclusion of a definition of a restaurant condition in notes (paragraph 3.4)
Updated Police section 4.2
14.3 The following questions had been included and would be looked at as part of the consultation process:
Special Policy on Cumulative Impact.
Do you agree with including details of what may be considered exceptional circumstances within the special policy at paragraph 3.1.7?
What effect do you think this will have on the policy?
Do you have any general comments to make about the special policy and the CIZ?
Matrix approach.
Do you agree with the key changes proposed for the matrix, for example the area categories, the inclusion of café bars, and the exclusion of pubs in the CIZ?
Do you agree with the stated times for licensable activities in the different types of premises and different areas, for example restaurants, pubs and non- alcohol lead venues?
Do you have any comments to make on the ‘notes’ following the Matrix?
Section on Special policies and initiatives.
Do you have any comments to make about other special polices such as off-licences at 3.5, night-time safeguarding initiatives at 3.4, and street drinking at 3.6?
General comments about the policy
Please make any comments about any other aspects of the policy as a whole.
14.3 RESOLVED – That the position be noted.