Agenda item - Traffic Regulation Order objections - Lustrell's Vale and Saltdean Vale
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Agenda item
Traffic Regulation Order objections - Lustrell's Vale and Saltdean Vale
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 7th July, 2015 4.00pm (Item 12.)
- View the background to item 12.
Report of the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
1) That having taken account of all duly made representations and objections, the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approves the amendment of the Brighton & Hove (Waiting & Loading/Unloading Restrictions and Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order No.** 20** (TRO-11-2015) to enable the introduction of one hour maximum waiting restrictionson Lustrell’s Vale north of School Lane outside numbers 59-87 either side of the bus stop and to extend the existing double yellow lines on Saltdean Vale to a point north of the Arundel Drive East junction.
2) That the Committee also approves the extension of existing waiting restrictions to a point outside numbers 114-132 Lustrell’s Vale, either side of the existing bus stop to prevent long stay parking at these locations blocking deliveries and preventing a regular turnover of customer parking.
3) That the Committee authorises officers to consult with residents and businesses over the introduction of a ‘Pay by Phone’ four hour maximum waiting restriction to the off-street car park on the corner of Lustrell’s Vale and Saltdean Drive, in order to prevent long stay parking for the same reasons given at 2.2 above and to finance enforcement and upkeep.
12.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing that requested Members to consider two objections in relation to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) advertised to introduce waiting restrictions in Lustrell’s Vale, north of School Lane (Saltdean) and to extend the existing double yellow lines on Saltdean Vale near the junction of Arundel Drive East.
12.2 Referring to recommendation 2.3, Councillor Miller stated that the car park referred to was heavily used and he feared there would be significant displacement should charges be brought in.
12.3 The Parking Infrastructure Manager stated that the proposal to introduce parking charges for the car park was to cover the cost of the necessary maintenance and enforcement for the all the measures outlined. The Parking Infrastructure Manager added that the introduction of a four hour maximum waiting restriction would be subject to consultation with residents and businesses and officers would report the result of that to the committee.
12.4 Councillor Theobald stated that he too believed that introducing charges for the car park would create displacement and people would use free parking in the surrounding area rather than pay.
12.5 Councillor Miller moved a motion to delete recommendation 2.3.
12.6 Councillor Theobald formally seconded the motion.
12.7 The Chair put the motion to a vote which failed.
12.8 The Chair then put the substantive recommendations to the vote that passed.
1) That having taken account of all duly made representations and objections, the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approves the amendment of the Brighton & Hove (Waiting & Loading/Unloading Restrictions and Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order No.** 20** (TRO-11-2015) to enable the introduction of one hour maximum waiting restrictionson Lustrell’s Vale north of School Lane outside numbers 59-87 either side of the bus stop and to extend the existing double yellow lines on Saltdean Vale to a point north of the Arundel Drive East junction.
2) That the Committee also approves the extension of existing waiting restrictions to a point outside numbers 114-132 Lustrell’s Vale, either side of the existing bus stop to prevent long stay parking at these locations blocking deliveries and preventing a regular turnover of customer parking.
3) That the Committee authorises officers to consult with residents and businesses over the introduction of a ‘Pay by Phone’ four hour maximum waiting restriction to the off-street car park on the corner of Lustrell’s Vale and Saltdean Drive, in order to prevent long stay parking for the same reasons given at 2.2 above and to finance enforcement and upkeep.
Supporting documents:
- Traffic Regulation Order objections - Lustrell's Vale and Saltdean Vale, item 12. PDF 135 KB View as HTML (12./1) 39 KB
- Enc. 1 for Traffic Regulation Order objections - Lustrell's Vale and Saltdean Vale, item 12. PDF 39 KB