Agenda item - Public Involvement
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Agenda item
Public Involvement
To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:
(a) Petitions: To receive any petitions presented by members of the public.
(i) Zebra Crossing for Nevill Avenue
(ii) Eastb.A259/Longridge Avenue
(b) Written Questions: To receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 30 June 2015.
(c) Deputations: To receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 30 June 2015.
(iii) Hanover & Elm Grove Controlled Parking Zone
(a) Petitions
(i) Zebra crossing for Nevill Avenue- Kate Culligan
5.1 The Committee considered a petition signed by 116 people requesting a zebra crossing at the end of Nevill Avenue to assist the safety of children from five local schools.
5.2 The Chair provided the following response:
“Thank you for presenting your petition requesting a pedestrian crossing at the end of Neville Avenue at the Neville Road end to particularly help local school children to cross safely.
The council does recognise the provision of such crossings as important for allowing pedestrians to move safely around the city.
We do receive a large number of requests and so have an agreed policy and criteria for assessing them fairly and carefully. This includes technical as well as social factors.
I am pleased to say that an evaluation of the movement of pupils to school is already in hand through the Council’s Safer Routes to Schools Programme and the Road Safety Manager has advised that construction work to improve crossing opportunities at that location will be carried out during the Summer”.
5.3 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
(ii) Eastb. A259/Longridge Ave- Peter Wright
5.4 The Committee considered a petition signed by 79 people requesting the council to establish the left eastbound lane at the junction Saltdean, A259/Longridge Avenue as left turn only (except buses) in the interests of safety.
5.5 The Chair provided the following response:
“I am pleased to advise that the Council’s Road Safety Team has started a Route Study of the A259 between Marine Gate and the city boundary, with a view to seeing where the safety of road users can be improved.
The request in the petition will be included in this work.
The results of that study will be brought to this committee when complete”.
5.6 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
(c) Deputations
(i) Controlled Parking Zone: Hanover & Elm Grove
5.7 The Committee considered a Deputation presented by Chris Taylor that relayed the outcome of a parking survey recently conducted by Hanover & Elm Grove Local Action Team (HEGLAT) and asked the council to undertake the development of a mutually agreed proposal followed by a consultation on controlled parking in the area based on the Community Parking Plan as devised and proposed by residents and HEGLAT.
5.8 The Chair provided the following response:
“Thank you Mr Taylor for bringing your deputation here today. I want to congratulate you, the Hanover & Elm Grove LAT, ward councillors and all of the residents in the area that have been working so positively with the council to hopefully create a scheme that works for the majority of the Hanover & Elm Grove community.
I attended the most recent public meeting a few months ago and was impressed by the willingness to do this.
I can confirm that the area will be considered as part of the priority timetable for a parking scheme consultation that is being presented as a report to this Committee in October.
Between now and then, officers will examine the suggestions put forward in your submission and the feasibility of incorporating them will be reflected in the October report.
We look forward to continuing work with you on this”.
5.9 RESOLVED- That the Deputation be noted.
(ii) Controlled Parking Zone for Hollingbury Road
5.10 The Committee considered a deputation presented by Rachel Christopher on behalf of residents in Hollingbury Road requesting consultation of their area for inclusion in the existing CPZ J.
5.11 The Chair provided the following response:
“Thank you for your deputation.
Following your requests officers will carry out a further investigation and ensure that this area is considered as part of the priority timetable for parking schemes which is being presented in a report to this Committee at our next meeting in October.
The report in October will include the feasibility for taking forward the requests outlined in your deputation.
It will also take into account the timescales of the Surrenden & Fiveways parking scheme consultation to see if a solution for one road can be identified as soon as possible”.
5.12 RESOLVED- That the Deputation be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Item 5a Petitions, item 5. PDF 75 KB View as HTML (5./1) 33 KB
- Deputations, item 5. PDF 75 KB View as HTML (5./2) 29 KB
- Deputations 2, item 5. PDF 60 KB View as HTML (5./3) 25 KB
- HollingburyRoad1, item 5. PDF 121 KB
- HollingburyRoad2, item 5. PDF 4 MB