Agenda item - School OFSTED Presentation

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Agenda item

School OFSTED Presentation

This is a Standing Item and provides an opportunity for officers to update the Committee on Ofsted reports received since the last meeting of the Committee, and on other relevant issues. This will take the form of an oral update


Contact Officer: Jo Lyons                Tel: 01273 293514

Ward(s) Affected: All



8.1         The Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion provided an update of schools that had undergone an Ofsted inspection since the previous meeting of the Children & Young People Committee. The Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion stated that she was pleased to report that Patcham had improved from ‘adequate’ to ‘good’. The Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion added that HM Inspectors had made monitoring visits to three schools (Coombe Road, St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School and Brighton Aldridge Community Academy) and had found senior leaders and governors at all three were taking effective action to raise standards.


8.2         Councillor Marsh if national and regional comparative data was available.


8.3         The Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion replied that this information was available and she understood that Brighton & Hove ranked third in the South East region. The Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion added that she would circulate the data to committee members subsequent to the meeting.


8.4         The Chair asked if a regular update could be provided to the Committee as an agenda item.


8.5         Councillor Phillips supported the suggestion made by the Chair as it would provide a basis for the Committee to offer help where it was needed particularly to those schools outside the local authority remit.


8.6         The Executive Director of Children’s Services commented that the Committee were scheduled to receive two annual attainment reports with the first in October and regional data would form part of that. There would also be a follow-up report to a later Committee focussing on specific groups of children.


8.7         The Chair stated that whilst he acknowledged the cycle report cycle, Members had given a clear steer that they wished to receive regular updates containing key indicators in order to challenge and influence.


8.8         RESOLVED- That the report be noted.


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