Agenda item - Constitutional Matters
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Agenda item
Constitutional Matters
- Meeting of Housing & New Homes Committee, Wednesday, 17th June, 2015 4.00pm (Item 7.)
- View the background to item 7.
Report of the Head of Legal & Democratic Services (copy attached).
(1) That the committee’s terms of reference, as set out in Appendix A to this report, be noted.
(2) That the establishment of an Urgency Sub-Committee consisting of the Chair of the Committee, and two other Members (nominated in accordance with the scheme for the allocation of seats for committees), to exercise its powers in relation to matters of urgency, on which it is necessary to make a decision before the next ordinary meeting of the Committee be approved. (Councillor Mears indicated that she would be the Conservative representative on the Urgency Sub-Committee. The Green Group would nominate their representative at a later date.)
7.1 The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal & Democratic Services which provided information on the committee’s terms of reference and related matters including the appointment of its urgency sub-committee. The report was presented by the Senior Solicitor.
7.2 The Senior Solicitor explained that the Committee’s terms of reference were attached to the report. The constitution had not been updated and the terms of reference had not changed. Meanwhile, Members were asked to establish an Urgency Sub-Committee. The membership would normally be the Chair and one representative from the other two political groups.
7.3 Councillor Mears put her name forward to represent her group on the Urgency Sub-Committee. With regard to the Terms of Reference, Councillor Mears noted that 2.(b) related to Homelessness and the allocation of housing. 2.(e) related to housing loans and grants which included the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). Therefore, the Housing and New Homes Committee had the authority to sign off the Disabled Facilities Grant. 4. Related to Supporting People which was a function of the Committee. Councillor Mears expressed concern that the Committee had not seen Supporting People contracts.
7.4 The Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing explained that funding for the DFG came from the Health & Wellbeing Board. Supporting People Contracts had not been to Committee and there were no new contracts. He would check the current situation and provide information to members on this matter. The Chair asked the Executive Director to provide details on contracts.
7.5 Councillor Phillips stated that it was the Housing & New Homes Committee’s statutory duty to discharge functions relating to homelessness, yet the budget sat with the Health & Wellbeing Board. She asked how this would move forward. Councillor Phillips requested a finance & planning review on Supporting People included in the briefing requested above.
7.6 The Executive Director replied that the report would explain Members’ role in controlling the Supporting People budget.
7.7 Councillor Mears requested a report to the next Committee meeting. The Chair concurred with the request.
(1) That the committee’s terms of reference, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be noted.
(2) That the establishment of an Urgency Sub-Committee consisting of the Chair of the Committee and two other Members (nominated in accordance with the scheme for the allocation of seats for committees), to exercise its powers in relation to matters of urgency, on which it is necessary to make a decision before the next ordinary meeting of the Committee be approved.
[NOTE: Following the meeting, Councillor Gibson put his name forward to represent his Group on the Urgency Sub-Committee. The Urgency Sub-Committee membership was therefore, Councillor Meadows (Chair), & Councillors Gibson and Mears.]
Supporting documents:
- Enc. 1 for Constitutional Matters, item 7. PDF 77 KB View as HTML (7./1) 26 KB
- Enc. 2 for Constitutional Matters, item 7. PDF 42 KB View as HTML (7./2) 22 KB