Agenda item - Housing Adaptations Service Update
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Agenda item
Housing Adaptations Service Update
- Meeting of Housing & New Homes Committee, Wednesday, 17th June, 2015 4.00pm (Item 9.)
- View the background to item 9.
Report of Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
(1) That the outturn and investment in adaptations be noted.
(2) That the measures in place to manage the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) expenditure within budget over the next three years be approved.
(3) That the report be referred to the Health & Wellbeing Board. The Committee’s concerns are also referred to the Board.
9.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing which provided an update on the Housing Adaptations Service out-turn for 2014/15 including DFG investment in private sector housing and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) funded adaptations to Council homes. The report was presented by the Head of Housing Strategy Development and Private Sector Housing, and the Operations Manager.
9.2 Councillor Barnett requested that ward councillors who had been dealing with residents should be kept informed about works that would be carried out and not carried out. The Operations Manager replied that Access Point carried out the initial assessment. Housing Services was only involved after that stage. In some cases Access Point might trial equipment before providing more items. Any queries could be checked with the Major Adaptations Team.
9.3 Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 1.3 and stressed that savings could be made by keeping people in their own homes. Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 4.1 on page 39 (last bullet point) which stated that ‘From 2009//10 to 2013/14, £0.666m in Private Sector Housing Renewal Assistance had been returned to the city council with 2013/14 showing the highest return with a total of £0.284m repaid. This was not currently recycled back into Private Sector Housing Capital Programmes.’ Councillor Mears asked for an explanation. Where did the money go? The Chair asked for a written response to be sent to Members.
9.4 Councillor Moonan endorsed the importance of the Disabled Adaptation Budget. The pressure to delay grants was counter intuitive. She asked if there were ways of assessing need. The Operations Manager replied that there were ways of assessing need and officers were not delaying approval of grants. There had been discussions with contractors and there had been some positive responses from a number of them. For example, there was the option of working and being paid later. Critical cases were being prioritised so there was no delay on site.
9.5 Councillor Miller echoed comments made about delayed payments. He did not agree with shifting funding to another year. He asked about the number and annual cost of extended warranties. The Operations Manager replied that she did not have figures to hand but agreed that there was a need to review how to manage warranties. Five year warranties on electrical equipment were costly. There was a need to revisit options.
(1) That the outturn and investment in adaptations be noted.
(2) That the measures in place to manage the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) expenditure within budget over the next three years be approved.
(3) That the report be referred to the Health & Wellbeing Board, along with the concerns of the Housing & New Homes Committee as outlined above.
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