Agenda item - Request to sell piece of HRA land at Connell Drive
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Agenda item
Request to sell piece of HRA land at Connell Drive
- Meeting of Housing & New Homes Committee, Wednesday, 17th June, 2015 4.00pm (Item 12.)
- View the background to item 12.
Report of Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
(1) That the Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to agree that the council sells the freehold of the subject land at Connell Drive, Woodingdean to the applicant, Geoffrey Wells.
(2) That the Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to use the capital receipt to support the housing capital programme.
12.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing concerning a request to buy a piece of HRA land, which Housing Committee and Policy & Resources Committee are required to consider since the value of the land exceeds £25,000 (which exceeds the Executive Director’s delegated powers). The report was presented by the Housing Stock Review Manager.
12.2 Councillor Phillips informed Members that she and Councillor Moonan had carried out a site visit and had a number of questions about the land which was directly in front of site in question. Councillor Phillips wondered if these questions had been answered and whether the committee might benefit from a site visit given the location of the land. There was no information in the report about how much financial benefit the council might get from leasing the land rather than selling it. Councillor Phillips asked why the land directly in front of the land proposed for sale was not a priority and what scope there was to build on this land i.e. how many houses or flats.
12.3 The Housing Stock Review Manager replied that the key issue was whether the sale would inhibit the council’s development ambitions on the adjoining green space. He had raised these issues with planning officers and their view was that the green space was not developable due to the sloping nature of the site and the unacceptable impact the development would have on the amenity of the existing houses. The site had never been on the list of potential regeneration sites. It was not recommended by the development consultants five or six years ago.
12.4 The Housing Stock Review Manager reported that in terms of numbers of houses and flats, he had spoken to an architect who stated that based on work carried out on regeneration, two houses or four flats would be the maximum, but there were significant issues about highways access and the tree which might be subject to a Tree Preservation Order. With regard to leasing, the Housing Stock Review Manager had spoken to the council’s valuer who stated that it would be a small amount and it would mean that the whole new title would be a mixture of a long lease and freehold. This may make the property unsellable in the future.
12.5 Councillor Gibson asked how the valuation was carried out. Was it a standard formula or based on recognition that it was valuable in terms of a housing development. The Housing Stock Review Manager replied that it was the latter.
12.6 The Chair asked for clarification regarding the revised site map which had been circulated before the meeting. The Housing Stock Review Manager replied that the original drawing was based on the Council’s Localview mapping system. The amended version was based on the Land Registry. It did not affect the valuation.
12.7 Councillor Miller asked which map was used when the valuation was made. The Housing Stock Review Manager replied that the valuer had confirmed that the exact size of the land was immaterial. The value was based on the development the applicant was proposing.
(1) That the Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to agree that the council sells the freehold of the subject land at Connell Drive, Woodingdean to the applicant, Geoffrey Wells.
(2) That the Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to use the capital receipt to support the housing capital programme.
Supporting documents:
- Request to sell piece of HRA land at Connell Drive, item 12. PDF 113 KB View as HTML (12./1) 39 KB
- Appendix 1 64 Connell Drive site map BW, item 12. PDF 234 KB
- Enc. 2 for Request to sell piece of HRA land at Connell Drive, item 12. PDF 305 KB