Agenda item - Minutes of the previous meeting

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Agenda item

Minutes of the previous meeting

To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2015 (copy attached).  



18.1    Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 2.4.  She was pleased to see a report on Supporting People on the agenda but had also asked for a report on  the Oxford Street Housing Office.  Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 13.6 and stated that she had had no response to her query about office accommodation in Bartholomew House for Housing Services staff.


18.2    The Acting Director Environment, Development & Housing explained that there would be a report on Oxford Street at the next meeting of the Committee.  The consultation period on the Housing Services staff accommodation at Bartholomew House had just closed.  There would be a report on the outcome when the process was completed.  The Acting Director confirmed that there would be no moves until the consultation responses were reviewed.    


18.3    Councillor Gibson referred to paragraph 8.27 which stated that 2 members had abstained from voting.  Councillor Gibson reported that Councillor Philips abstained from voting but he had supported the Findon Road scheme.  


18.4    Councillor Gibson referred to paragraph 13.7 which stated that he considered that there needed to be robust evidence to show that call centres were cost effective.  Councillor Gibson stated that he had been talking in terms of customer satisfaction rather than cost effectiveness. He was concerned that the quality of service was sustained.  


18.5    Councillor Gibson referred to paragraph 14.10 and stated that this should read ‘…scheme costs per square metre’.    


18.6    Councillor Miller referred to paragraph 8.1 in relation to the Findon Road scheme.  He asked if there could be a breakdown of costs.  The Acting Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing  replied that officers could supply costings of the site. 


18.7    RESOLVED -  (1) That the minutes of the Housing Committee held on 17 June 2015 be agreed and signed as a correct record subject to the amendments outlined in paragraphs 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5 above.


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