Agenda item - Youth Justice Strategy 2015/16

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Agenda item

Youth Justice Strategy 2015/16

Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)


Contact Officer: Anna Gianfrancesco                                Tel: 01273 293966

Ward Affected: All Wards



RESOLVED - That the Committee approved the Youth Justice Strategy for Brighton and Hove 2015-16


20.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services on the Brighton and Hove Youth Justice Strategy 2015/16. The report was introduced by Youth Offending and Substance Misuse Services Manager.


20.2    Councillor Barradell asked why the percentage of reoffending was so high in the city. The Youth Offending and Substance Misuse Services Manager said that the data was from 2012/13, and although the number of reoffenders had reduced the percentage had increased. It wasn’t known why that had happened, but the Authority would be working with the Youth Justice Board to look at the data.


20.3    Councillor Brown said she agreed with the key priorities in the strategy and it was good that the authority were working with other agencies. However she referred to the partnership arrangements and the fact the Youth Offending Service would be represented on a large number of multi agency groups, was concerned about the amount of officer time involved in attending so many meetings. The Youth Offending and Substance Misuse Services Manager said that she attended some of those meetings, but some were shared with East and West Sussex County Councils.


20.4    Councillor Taylor noted that of the 14 volunteers currently working with the Youth Offending Service (YOS), 12 were women and suggested that it might be appropriate to try and increase the number of male volunteers. The Youth Offending and Substance Misuse Services Manager agreed and said that interviews were being held the following week for a male YOS worker.


20.5    Councillor Wealls understood that other authorities had numerical targets to meet and asked if this authority did. He asked if there were comparative data on how this authority compared to others. The Youth Offending and Substance Misuse Services Manager said that all authorities had different targets, this authority did have their own, but they hadn’t been included as they were complicated and too detailed to be covered in the report.


20.6    The Chair noted the Strategy was for 2015-2016 and asked for the exact dates. He was advised it 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016.


20.7    RESOLVED - That the Committee approved the Youth Justice Strategy for Brighton and Hove 2015-16

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