Agenda item - Appointment of the Acting Chief Executive
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Agenda item
Appointment of the Acting Chief Executive
Report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy ).
23.1 Councillor Morgan introduced the report and noted that the appointment of an Acting Chief Executive was reserved to full Council. He fully supported the proposed appointment of Geoff Raw who had shown clear leadership and guidance over a number of challenging aspects within the council and hoped that the appointment would be supported by all councillors.
23.2 The Mayor noted that the recommendation to appoint Geoff Raw as Acting Chief Executive had been moved and put it to the vote which was carried.
(1) That the proposed appointment of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing as Acting Chief Executive, effective from the 16th July 2015, pending the substantive recruitment process for a permanent Chief Executive be agreed;
(2) That the proposed salary for the duration of the Acting role be agreed as 100% of the difference between the Executive Director’s substantive salary and that of the Chief Executive pay; and
(3) That the time table for the recruitment of the permanent role be noted.
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