Agenda item - Interim report: Progress on the Merging Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Review in Children's Services and the Learning Disability (LD) Review in Adult Services
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Agenda item
Interim report: Progress on the Merging Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Review in Children's Services and the Learning Disability (LD) Review in Adult Services
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 20th July, 2015 4.00pm (Item 24.)
- View the background to item 24.
Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)
RESOLVED – That the Committee agreed:
(1) That the Committee noted the report to the Health & Wellbeing Board and approved the direction of travel
(2) That the Committee noted that concrete proposals to amalgamate specialist provision for children with SEN and disabilities, including behavioural, emotional and mental health difficulties, will be presented to the joint Health & Wellbeing Board and Children Young People & Skills Committee in October
(3) That the Committee approved the setting up of a cross party members’ reference group to oversee both reviews during the implementation phase.
24.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services regarding the merging of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) review in Children’s Services and the Learning Disability (LD) review in Adult Services. The report was introduced by the Assistant Director (Children’s and Adult Services).
24.2 The Committee were concerned that the report did not say that the matter would be considered by both the Children Young People & Skills (CYPS) Committee and the Health & Wellbeing Board (HWB). The Executive Director of Children’s Services said that a joint meeting between the HWB and the CYPS Committee was held in February 2015 to discuss the matter, and a future similar meeting could be held. The solicitor said that as a joint meeting had already been held it would be appropriate for that to continue and for both groups to hold another combined meeting in October 2015.
24.3 Councillor Brown referred to Appendix 1 to the report, and asked which secondary schools would pilot the new way of working. The Assistant Director (Children’s and Adult Services), said that they were Cardinal Newman, Dorothy Stringer and Patcham High. There had been a lot of interest from schools, and it was hoped that primary schools could be included in due course.
24.4 Councillor Barradell proposed an amendment to Recommendation 2.2, to read ‘That the Committee is asked to note that concrete proposals to amalgamate specialist provision for children with SEN and disabilities, including behavioural, emotional and mental health difficulties, will be presented to the joint Health & Wellbeing Board and Children Young People & Skills Committee in October 2015.’ The proposal was seconded by Councillor O’Quinn. The Committee agreed the amendment.
24.5 RESOLVED – That the Committee agreed:
(1) That the Committee noted the report to the Health & Wellbeing Board and approved the direction of travel
(2) That the Committee noted that concrete proposals to amalgamate specialist provision for children with SEN and disabilities, including behavioural, emotional and mental health difficulties, will be presented to the joint Health & Wellbeing Board and Children Young People & Skills Committee in October 2015
(3) That the Committee approved the setting up of a cross party members’ reference group to oversee both reviews during the implementation phase.
Supporting documents:
- Interim report: Progress on the Merging Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Review in Children's Services and the Learning Disability (LD) Review in Adult Services, item 24. PDF 93 KB View as HTML (24./1) 4 MB
- Appendices 1 Health & Wellbeing Board Report - Interim report: Progress on the Merging Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Review in Children's Services and the Learning Disability (LD) Review in Adult Services, item 24. PDF 195 KB View as HTML (24./2) 2 MB
- Attachments to the Health & Wellbeing Board paper: 1a. The Executive Summary of the SEND Review, item 24. PDF 180 KB View as HTML (24./3) 64 KB
- 1b. The Executive Summary of the Learning Disability Review, item 24. PDF 101 KB View as HTML (24./4) 28 KB
- 1c. `A Good, Healthy and Happy Life` - a strategy for Adults with Learning Disabilities in Brighton and Hove, item 24. PDF 2 MB