Agenda item - Time to Change Pledge
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Agenda item
Time to Change Pledge
- Meeting of Health & Wellbeing Board, Tuesday, 21st July, 2015 4.00pm (Item 8.)
- View the background to item 8.
Notice of Motion referred from the Council meeting held on the 26th March 2015 (copy attached).
8.1 The Board considered a Notice of Motion, concerning the Time to Change Pledge approved by the Council on the 26th March 2015 and referred to the Board for consideration; along with a briefing paper from the Director of Public Health.
8.2 The Board welcomed the motion and supported the intention to sign up to the Charter and adopt the pledge across all areas of provision within the council and partnership organisations / agencies. The Board also noted that there would be a need to look at the level of resources and suggested that this should be addressed in some way.
8.3 Councillor Penn thanked the Board for their support and stated that there was a lot of misunderstanding around mental health and she hoped that by discussing matters it would help to improve that situation and give a positive message.
8.4 The Chair stated that he hoped matters would be taken forward including the question of resources as part of the work on the development of the Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy. He also offered to provide an update on this as part of his Chair’s communications at the next Board meeting.
8.5 RESOLVED: That the notice of motion be noted and the Board agree to adopt the Time to Change Pledge and encourage others to do so.
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