Agenda item - Interim report: Progress on the Merging Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Review in Children's Services and the Learning Disability (LD) Review in Adult Services

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Agenda item

Interim report: Progress on the Merging Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Review in Children's Services and the Learning Disability (LD) Review in Adult Services

Report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services (copy attached).


14.1         The Assistant Director, Children’s and Adult Services introduced the paper which detailed the progress of the two reviews in Children’s and Adult Services and set out the direction of travel for merging Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) review and the Learning Disability (LD) review.  She noted that SEND review had been reported to the joint meeting of the Health & Wellbeing Board and Children & Young People Committee in February.  The LD review had then been taken to the Board following that meeting and since then a decision had been taken to merge the two reviews because of the degree of overlap across both areas. 


14.2         She stated that it was intended to come back to a joint meeting of the Board and Children & Young People Committee towards the end of October with recommendations for an integration of the services.  There had been an initial consultation exercise with families which had raised a number of concerns and it was proposed that a cross-cutting reference group should be established to review the proposals and to help steer changes in areas.  She stated that she had attended the Children, Young People & Skills Committee meeting on the 20th July who had made it clear that they would like to remain involved and had suggested that joint Working Group consisting of representatives from the committee and the Board be established.


14.3         Councillor Mac Cafferty welcomed the report but expressed concerns about the integration of services and possible reduction of provision for children and young people.  He sought an assurance that any amalgamation would result in a better outcome with dedicated service provision to meet children’s mental health.


14.4         The Executive Director for Children’s Services stated that by combining the reviews and taking into consideration the overlap in areas, it should result in a range of recommendations to reflect an integrated service.  There would likely be some aspects that were particular to children and young people and others to adults, but having a personalised approach should provide a more uniform provision.


14.5         The Executive Director for Adult Services stated that the personalisation approach for provision was very important to parents and a lot of time had been spent on how the transition of service provision would be achieved to reassure all those involved.


14.6         Councillor K. Norman welcomed the paper and stated that he felt it was the right approach, although it was going to be a difficult task.


14.7         The Board noted that a joint meeting of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee and the Health & Wellbeing Board would need to be scheduled for the end of October/early November.  It was also noted that there was a need to review the terms of reference of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee although this would not be completed before the Joint meeting.  The Board also noted that as part of the consultation on the joint review input would be sought from all those involved including parents, third sector providers etc.


14.8         The Lawyer to the Board noted that a clear decision making process would be required for the joint meeting and that both bodies would be informed by the joint discussion.  However, the recommendations for each would need to be set out so that everyone was aware of who was taking each decision and how that impacted on any others.


14.9         The Board also noted that significant changes were likely to be put forward and that consolidation of services would be a part of that change, although the aim was to enhance the quality of service provision without detracting from the quality.  There was an expectation that improvements could be delivered across the city and that savings could be achieved.


14.10      RESOLVED:


(1)       That the paper be noted and the direction of travel be approved;


(2)       That it be noted that concrete proposals to amalgamate specialist provision for children with SEN and disabilities, including behavioural, emotional and mental health difficulties, will be presented to the Board in October/November;


(3)       That the setting up of a cross-party Members’ Reference Group to oversee both reviews during the implementation phase be approved.

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