Agenda item - GP Practice Closures

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Agenda item

GP Practice Closures

Report from NHS England (copy attached).

This paper provides the Health and Wellbeing Board with an overview regarding GP Practice Closures generally and specific information linking to two Practice Closures at Eaton Place Surgery and Goodwood Court Medical Practice.


17.1         Dr. Thallon introduced the paper which detailed the background in relation to the recent closure of GP practices within the city and the role of NHS England in relation to the closure of a GP practice.  In regard to the two closures within the city, he noted that in one case the Partners had returned the contract and in the other case the CQC had sought the closure of the practice resulting from a review of operating procedures.  He noted that the closure had caused a level of stress and anxiety that this would be looked as part of the review into the matter.  However, he also noted that there had been a high degree of silence over the closure from users/patients etc.


17.2         The Chair stated that he had only taken over in May and had been struck by the speed of how things developed and welcomed the support that had been provided.  He also wished to extend the Board’s thanks to the practice that took on the contract and the group of patients.


17.3         Councillor G. Theobald stated that concerns remained over how the position had been reached and what level of support existed to help practices before they reached a critical stage.  He hoped that this would also be considered as part of the review into the matter.


17.4         Dr. Thallon stated that he was sure the review would look at the issue and noted that support was available from the CCG, Local Medical Centre and NHS England, who was committed to working with practices across the country.


17.5         Dr. Beasley noted that the LMC gave advice and the CCG had a Quality Team to help practices and to give practical support.  It was also hoped that with the introduction of the clusters peer support would also become available and beneficial.


17.6         The Chief Operating Officer for the CCG stated that one aspect that would need to be considered was the financial viability of practices in the City.  There were a number of relatively small ones and some in poor premises and therefore the business models would need to be looked at.  There was a need to be more proactive and it may be that the clustering of practices would result in a more collaborative approach; otherwise it was likely that more practices would go under.


17.7         Frances McCabe noted that NHS England had previously agreed to provide information following a formal review of Eaton Place and asked if that could be actioned.


17.8         Dr. Thallon stated that he would have to check on the situation regarding Eaton Place but was happy to report back in due course.  In terms of why one practice falls into financial difficulty and another does not, it was not easy to answer and suggested that the CCG might be better placed to recognise when a practice was falling into difficulty.  He agreed that there was room for improvement in regard to working with the CCG and that there was a need to support vulnerable patients better in such circumstances and to provide information at an earlier stage.


17.9         The Chair thanked Dr. Thallon for attending the meeting and stated that he was reassured to an extent that NHS England would review the process.  He would await their findings and would also welcome an action plan from both NHS England and the CCG to give the Board assurance about future processes.


17.10      RESOLVED: That the paper be noted.

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