Agenda item - City Wide Reports

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Agenda item

City Wide Reports

To note the minutes and reports of the following Committees and City Wide groups (copies attached):


A.           Housing Committee Decision Record;

B.           Leaseholder Action Group;

C.           Senior Housing Action Group;

D.           Tenant Disability Network;

E.           Service Improvement Groups;

F.            New Homes for Neighbourhoods Update;

G.           Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes.


7.1       The Chair stated the HRA is made up of Tenant’s rent. A plea was made that Tenants should know how much is spent on each scheme that comes up in future ensuring tenants get value for money. This information should be included in feedback forms.


7.2       Councillor Meadows agreed, stating she is looking forward to working with Chair in future.


7.3       RESOLVED – that the reports be noted


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