Agenda item - Feedback from Tenant and Resident Associations on their community activities
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Agenda item
Feedback from Tenant and Resident Associations on their community activities
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: Central Area, Tuesday, 28th July, 2015 2.00pm (Item 6.)
- View the background to item 6.
6.1 The Resident Involvement Manager requested an update from all Associations present.
6.2 Barry Hughes stated that gardening has been encouraged to all the tenants.
6.3 St. James’ House Association noted that a community café had opened and they have organised afternoon teas and other social activities.
6.4 Charles Penrose stated that they had received a £400 grant and with this, they had arranged many social events, including; bingo once a week, fish and chip lunches and a garden party.
6.5 Maria Gallimore informed the panel that Leach Court holds a lot of social events, including; knitting club, afternoon teas and playing bowls.
6.6 Angela Aitchison commented that they can only hold a barbeque once a year, but would like to start using the community room more and making the most out of the facilities. Angela expressed to the panel that she believed the facilities should be open to being used for social activities.
6.7 Councillor Meadows and Head of Income Involvement and Improvement agree to look into this as they believe it is a waste of resources.
6.8 Carl Boardman stated that the association was working to improve their garden and had discussed with residents what they would like to do with the space.
6.9 Barry Kingston noted that their community room was used a lot for meetings and yoga classes. Barry Kingston also informed the panel that the community room was frequently used by other estate associations for social activities, such as bingo.
6.10 Ann Ewings stated that bingo night is popular and the residents have participated in gardening. Ann also added residents had held social events in the new café and as a result of this; they were looking into opening it more regularly.
6.11 Jane Thorpe and Vivian Crossweller noted the association organised a Christmas party for the residents. Jane added that the community room suffered from damp.
6.12 John McPhillips commented that a lot of new tenants had moved in over the past year and had not joined the resident association. Due to this, it had been a quiet year but they were exploring the idea of starting a computer class.
6.13 The Chair concluded by stating that it was helpful and important to hear what the associations were doing in terms of social events for residents.