Agenda item - Sustainability Action Plan
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Agenda item
Sustainability Action Plan
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 13th October, 2015 4.00pm (Item 33.)
- View the background to item 33.
Report of the Acting Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:
1) Approves the City Sustainability Action Plan (at Appendix 1)
2) Requests that annual progress updates are presented at Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee and annual updates are also taken to the Biosphere Board
33.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing that presented the refreshed City Sustainability Action Plan. The Plan supported delivery of the council’s priorities as set in the Corporate Plan 2015-19 and creating a more sustainable city.
33.2 Councillor Barradell stated that the Plan was a crucial document for providing a better environment and improving the standard of people’s lives. Councillor Barradell asked if the council nominated a representative to the Biosphere Board.
33.3 The Joint Acting Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing clarified that the Biosphere Board was currently undergoing a transition phase following its creation to make a bid for Biosphere designation and was now moving into delivery of its action plan and a new Board would be created. The Assistant Chief Executive was the Chair of the Board in its current form and there was representation from other local authorities and agencies from across the region. The Board did not currently have elected members as representatives as it would accordingly be very large in membership and the duty was placed upon the ET&S Committee to oversee delivery of the Sustainability Action Plan.
33.4 Councillor West stated that he welcomed the new administrations shift in attitude toward support for sustainability and Biosphere status. Councillor West stated that the he was surprised there was no mention of Bioregional who had given the council its accreditation as the world’s first One Planet Living city and that the term had been replaced with One Planet Framework.
33.5 The Joint Acting Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing stated that the council was still working with Bioregional and the annual report on the first 18 months of the Action Plan delivery had been produced by them. He added that there was an ongoing cost in engaging with a consultancy of that kind and any future commitment and priority to that cost would be decided by Members as part of the Budget Council process.
33.6 Councillor Janio welcomed the report and that the document was now much more succinct and realistic in its priorities.
33.7 Councillor Robins stated his support for the proposals and that there was a focus on sustainable water, an issue that often went neglected and was equally important as air quality.
33.8 Councillor Atkinson welcomed the Plan as a very important document and he was pleased that there was reference to happiness and mental well-being as a key aspect of environment.
33.9 RESOLVED- That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:
1) Approves the City Sustainability Action Plan (at Appendix 1)
2) Requests that annual progress updates are presented at Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee and annual updates are also taken to the Biosphere Board
Supporting documents:
- ETS_131015_SAP_report, item 33. PDF 98 KB View as HTML (33./1) 36 KB
- ETS_131015_SAP_annex 2, item 33. PDF 83 KB View as HTML (33./2) 68 KB
- ETS_131015_SAP_annex 1, item 33. PDF 338 KB View as HTML (33./3) 131 KB