Agenda item - Business Case and Proposals for Increased Waste Enforcement Activity
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Agenda item
Business Case and Proposals for Increased Waste Enforcement Activity
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 13th October, 2015 4.00pm (Item 31.)
- View the background to item 31.
Report of the Acting Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee authorises:
1) The procurement of a concession contract for enforcement activity in Brighton & Hove following the timeline and evaluation criteria set out in this report with a contract term of 12 months from January 2016.
2) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing following consultation with the Executive Director for Finance & Resources to award the contract for a period of three years.
3) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing following consultation with the Executive Director for Finance & Resources to extend the contract for one year subject to satisfactory performance of the provider in the initial contract period.
31.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing that set out proposals for increased levels of enforcement around commercial waste and littering in the city and sought approval to procure the enforcement services.
31.2 Councillor Barradell stated that she welcomed the report and she hoped that the measures would improve the cleanliness of streets and change established behaviours toward littering and fly-tipping providing a better environment.
31.3 Councillor Janio stated that he supported the proposals and he was pleased by the method of delivery as it was an approach his group had advocated for a long time. Councillor Janio stated that he hoped the contractor would be given a steer not to be overly enthusiastic in issuing fixed penalty notices and the prosecution rate would be monitored.
31.4 Councillor West welcomed the proposals and hoped it would lead to an effective refuse service leading to a better environment for residents of the city. Councillor West asked if either the council or the contractor would meet the cost of appeals.
31.5 The Head of Strategy & Projects clarified that the contractors would prepare any evidence for an appeal and the council would lead on any prosecutions. It was hoped that once the scheme was in operation and successful prosecutions reported by the council and press, there would be a significant decrease in incidents and therefore any legal duties would be minimal.
31.6 RESOLVED- That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee authorises:
1) The procurement of a concession contract for enforcement activity in Brighton & Hove following the timeline and evaluation criteria set out in this report with a contract term of 12 months from January 2016.
2) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing following consultation with the Executive Director for Finance & Resources to award the contract for a period of three years.
3) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing following consultation with the Executive Director for Finance & Resources to extend the contract for one year subject to satisfactory performance of the provider in the initial contract period.
Supporting documents:
Business Case and Proposals for Increased Waste Enforcement Activity, item 31.
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