Agenda item - Minutes
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Agenda item
To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2015 (copy attached).
27.1 Councillor Brown referred to paragraph 15.1, and asked if the Chair had written to the schools about apprenticeships. The Chair confirmed he had. The Assistant Director Education and Inclusion said that no formal response had been received, but it had been discussed at a recent meeting of Head Teachers. Councillor Phillips asked whether the undertaking to pay staff a Living Wage would apply to apprentices, and was advised that apprenticeships were separate. The Chair said that a report on apprenticeships would come to the Committee meeting in March 2016.
27.2 Councillor Taylor noted that his comments on Item 23, Development of a New City Employment & Skills Plan (2015-2020) had not been included in the Minutes. It was agreed that the following wording would be included:
Councillor Taylor thanked officers for the report and welcomed the Council’s assistance with the development of the City Employment & Skills Plan. Councillor Taylor noted that through the Plan, the Council would explore ways to use its position as a major employer to secure job placements for 18-24 year olds who had been unemployed for longer than 12 months. Councillor Taylor asked whether those placements would be paid jobs, and was advised by the Head of City Regeneration said that it was too early to say as the model had not yet been developed.
27.3 RESOLVED: That subject to the above amendment, the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2015 be agreed as a correct record.
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