Agenda item - Deputations from members of the public.

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Agenda item

Deputations from members of the public.

A list of deputations received by the due date of 12noon on the 15th October 2015 will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.


38.1         The Mayor reported that one deputation had been received from members of the public and invited Ms. S. Betts as the spokesperson for the deputation to come forward and address the council. 


38.2         Mr. A. Buckingham thanked the Mayor and stated that unfortunately Ms. Betts was unable to attend the meeting and that as one of the founding directors of the Real Junk Food Project he was standing in for her.  He stated that the aim of the project was to have a permanent base from which to serve meals and feed those people in the city who were unable to provide themselves with at least one good meal a day.  At present they were able to provide meals two days a week and it was hoped that the council could help to find suitable premises that could be used for 7 days a week throughout the year.


38.3         Councillor Morgan stated that he wished to pay tribute to the work of the project and that he fully supported its objectives to address inequality and ensure health and wellbeing of those in need, as well as managing sustainability.  He had asked officers to contact Ms. Betts and to arrange to meet and discuss how the council might be able to help meet their aspirations and enable them to tackle poverty in the city.


38.4         The Mayor thanked Mr. Buckingham for attending the meeting and speaking on behalf of the deputation. She explained that the points had been noted and the deputation would be referred to the Economic Development & Culture Committee for consideration. The persons forming the deputation would be invited to attend the meeting and would be informed subsequently of any action to be taken or proposed in relation to the matter set out in the deputation.


38.5         The Mayor noted that there were no other deputations and therefore concluded the item.

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