Agenda item - New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Small Site Strategy

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Agenda item

New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Small Site Strategy

Report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).



1)              That the progress be noted with Pilots 1-3: the RIBA design competition, co-operative housing and Passivhaus pilots to develop new rented homes on small, challenging sites under the New Homes for Neighbourhoods small site strategy.


2)              That approval be given to the proposed Pilot 4 proposal set out in paragraphs 3.9 to 3.15 of the report to invite proposals from potential development partners for modular or system built new homes on small, challenging council housing land sites; such proposals may involve leasing of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) land but any scheme would be subject to prior Housing & New Homes Committee approval and any lease to Policy & Resources Committee approval as set out in paragraph 3.11. 





23.1   The Committee considered the report of the Acting Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing which sought approval for a fourth pilot under the small site strategy; to test whether system and modular build can achieve economic and viable development on other small, challenging sites, in order to help meet the target of 500 new homes on Housing Revenue Account (HRA) land.  The report also updated the new Housing & New Homes Committee on the first three small site strategy pilots. All proposed schemes coming out of these four pilots would be reported back to the Committee for approval before they proceeded.  The report was presented by the Estate Regeneration Project Manager.


23.2    Councillor Atkinson commended the report and the imaginative projects.  He considered it important to make best use of the space available for such schemes. 


23.3    Councillor Mears asked for it to be recorded that she had not been invited to the site visit to see the KSD system & modular build project undertaken by Lewes District Council.   She suggested that site visits could be arranged for Housing & New Homes Committee members to see some examples of such schemes.


23.4    Councillor Mears stressed that garage sites were reviewed in 2010, and there was a need to push forward with the schemes.  Councillor Mears noted that £5 million had been set aside in the HRA and asked how this was to be used. 


23.5    The Acting Executive Director, Environment,  Development & Housing explained that a cross party board had visited the Lewes site.  He was happy to look at ways in which the Committee were provided with as much information as possible.  The Acting Executive Director explained that unfortunately, the Finance Officer had not been able to attend the meeting due to illness.  He would therefore have to come back with the information relating to the query about £5 million being set aside in the HRA. A breakdown would be provided. 


23.6    Councillor Miller welcomed the three original options, especially the self build project.  He also supported Councillor Mears suggestion to visit modular building schemes in other authorities.  Councillor Miller suggested bigger as well as smaller sites to maximise value for money.


23.7    Councillor MacCafferty stated that there had been discussions with architects with regard to these projects particularly the RIBA competition.  There would be more certainty when the City Plan was adopted in December.  The Economic Development and Culture Committee was working in tandem on these projects.     


23.8    Councillor Gibson welcomed the report.  He hoped that the options could be explored as soon as possible and that visits to schemes could be arranged.  Councillor Gibson was pleased to hear about new building techniques which would lead to lower costs and more affordable rent.  


23.9    RESOLVED:-


(1)            That progress be noted with Pilots 1-3: the RIBA design competition, co-operative housing and Passivhaus pilots to develop new rented homes on small, challenging sites under the New Homes for Neighbourhoods small site strategy.


(2)            That approval be given to the proposed Pilot 4 proposal set out in paragraphs 3.9 to 3.15 of the report to invite proposals from potential development partners for modular or system built new homes on small, challenging council housing land sites; such proposals may involve leasing of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) land but any scheme would be subject to prior Housing & New Homes Committee approval and any lease to Policy & Resources Committee approval as set out in paragraph 3.11. 



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