Agenda item - Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 1 2015/16
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Agenda item
Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 1 2015/16
- Meeting of Housing & New Homes Committee, Wednesday, 23rd September, 2015 4.00pm (Item 30.)
- View the background to item 30.
Report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
1) That the report, which was submitted to the Area Panels in July and August 2015, be noted, along with the comments of the Committee as outlined above.
30.1 The Committee considered the report of the Acting Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing which set out the performance for the first quarter of the financial year 2015/16. The report was presented by the Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement.
30.2 Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 4.0.1 – Rent collected as proportion of rent due for the year by area. She stated that members used to be presented with previous year’s figures so a comparison could be made. Councillor Mears referred to page 116, paragraph 4.2 – Average re-let time, excluding time spent in major works. She asked for an explanation of the figures.
30.3 Councillor Mears thanked officers for supplying the paragraph at 4.3.3 on asbestos and legionella safety compliance inspections, but considered that the section did not provide much information about asbestos and the response on legionella concerned her. She stressed that the work was statutory. Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 4.5 – anti-social behaviour and wanted to know whether there was joined up working with the police to ensure the best results.
30.4 The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement explained that with regard to paragraph 4.0.1, officers had had discussions with members on how they wanted the report to be presented, and it had been hoped that the trend arrow was sufficient. With regard to paragraph 4.2, 1a showed the figures for all properties. Major works could be excluded. The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement stated that more information was available about asbestos and legionella and a more detailed report could be provided for the next performance report.
30.5 The Head of Housing Strategy & Development referred to the Annual Assurance report and stated that there was a corporate mechanism for reporting. Councillor Mears and the Chair asked for this information to be included in the performance report. Councillor Mears also asked for more information about asbestos.
30.6 The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement explained that officers did work with the police on anti-social behaviour. The Head of Tenancy Services explained that the council had clusters where housing staff met together. The Police and Environmental Protection would also be involved if relevant. There was a focus on risk management and there was a good working relationship with inspectors.
30.7 Councillor Miller asked if it could be explored if empty properties could be used for temporary accommodation if empty for a long period. The Interim Head of Housing explained that properties were considered for temporary accommodation if they were unoccupied for a long time.
30.8 Councillor Gibson raised a question about performance data. He asked what went on in terms of resident involvement. The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement replied that when the council carried out the last review, officers suggested ways in which other organisations reported on outcomes of resident involvement, but currently there was information on outputs – eg numbers of people involved, costs etc. Councillor Gibson replied that he would be interested to know what information was available.
30.9 At this point of the proceedings Councillor Gibson referred to an amendment to the recommendations. He considered that a revision of resident involvement should take place. He was asking for a report to ensure resident involvement was carried out well. The second part of the amendment related to concerns expressed at the Area Panels about the abolition of the Housing Management Consultative Sub-Committee. He was suggesting that members of the Committee meet with representatives of the Area Panels to understand why they were unhappy.
30.10 Councillor Gibson proposed the following amendment which was seconded by Councillor MacCafferty.
Amend the recommendations by adding 2 new clauses so they would read:
“2.1 That the Housing & New Homes Committee notes and comments on the report, which went to Area Panels in July and August 2015.”
“2.2 The Housing and New Homes Committee will receive a report setting out the terms of reference, methodology and proposed timetable for a review of resident involvement for approval at a future Housing and New Homes Committee.”
2.3 That a meeting be arranged between the elected members of the Housing and New Homes Committee and Area Panel representatives to discuss concerns and a way forward.”
30.11 The Chair stated that the amendment had nothing to do with the Housing Management Performance Report. The two recommendations outlined above were about the tenant representative structure. The Chair referred to procedural rule 13.3 of the Council’s constitution which made it clear that an amendment must be relevant to the subject of the report and recommendation. She would therefore not accept the amendment. The Chair stated that there was a review of tenant participation which would be brought forward for full consultation and would be presented to the Committee in due course. The tenant participation strategy would include area panels and other tenant groups.
30.12 Councillor Mears asked if the report would be presented to the next Committee meeting. The Chair stated that the process was unlikely to be completed in time for the next meeting.
30.13 The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement explained that there was a resident involvement service review. Officers were looking at making resident involvement more meaningful and purposeful, so the service provided value for money. There would be consultation with tenants and the outcomes would be reported to the Committee.
30.14 The Acting Executive Director of Environment Development & Housing stated that members of the Committee were able to ask for a briefing on resident involvement. Officers were happy to talk to Councillor Gibson or any other member about the process.
30.15 The Interim Head of Housing explained that the timetable for the review was likely to be later than the November Committee meeting. It would involve a large degree of consultation with tenants and leaseholders. It was therefore likely to be presented at the January 2016 meeting.
30.16 RESOLVED:-
(1) That the report, which was submitted to the Area Panels in July and August 2015, be noted, along with the comments of the Committee as outlined above.
Supporting documents:
- Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 1 2015/16, item 30. PDF 208 KB View as HTML (30./1) 439 KB