Agenda item - Secretary's Update

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Agenda item

Secretary's Update




Brighton & Hove Mental Health Strategy & Happiness - went to event held on the 26th August with a range of stalls & information re:  services including support for dementia.

Older Peoples Day - liaised & met with Age UK & Brighton University and organised rooms for joint panel on the 1st October at St Johns at 11.00 and Patching Lodge at 3.00 to discuss care issues for older people.

Local Action Team - London Road - attended meeting of local group which had reports on local crime and discussed a range of local issues. Concerns about funding for the future raised.

Age Friendly City Steering Group - represented OPC at meeting on 2nd September about Active Ageing. Presentations about the need to keep active and events across the City circulated. & older adults any amount of physical activity has some health benefits. Good practice can be everyday activities such as shopping, housework & gardening. Information circulated.

Closure of Doctors surgeries - Goodwood Court - went with Vice Chair to a meeting with the CCG on the 3rd September to discuss the impact of closure on older patients and how this should be avoided in the future.

Age Friendly City Forum - meeting held on 7th September. Annie Alexander spoke about the future of AFC work as a strategic approach to make services inclusive and the Council strategy on Health & Well Being that is under discussion. Harriet Knights spoke about the sugar debate across the City and how sugar reduction could be achieved.

Review of Bus Services funded by BHCC OPC has been asked for views on current supported services and we need to respond Have spoken to the co-ordinator and they are keen for responses on current services which cover 16/16A/66/37/37B/47/52/56/57/72/74/75/76/76A/91/95/95A &

77/78/79. These services are well used by bus pass users.

Meeting with Leader of Council - needs to be rescheduled

Annual Report - Thanks to the Chair for all his work on this – OPC members contributed but he pulled it all together

Safeguarding Adults - Harry Steer was representative on this and OPC need to appoint a new representative. MB to check if FT would be able to take on this role.

National Pensioners Convention - Parliamentary Lobby on Care & Pensions on 4th November.

City Wide Connect - East was held on 9th September and Lynne was

attending. The North/Central is on the 23rd September & West is 30th September.

Community Transport - Lynne contacted and they are happy to provide a presentation to OPC. Currently negotiating Easylink shopping service with BHCC for older people with mobility problems

Hedgcock Fund - Chair has submitted a bid on officer advice

OPC members Report from Lynn Shields about activities undertaken for the OPC - to be included in the minutes.

• New Community Equipment Service - OPC members were concerned about the changes to the NHS equipment service. We have been invited to visit the new service located in Hove and I have confirmed that we would like to find out about the service and its accessibility. We await a date.

• Shaping the research agenda for older people as self funders:

insights from collaborative research - OPC members have been invited to an event on Wednesday 28th October at 9.30 at Brighthelm. Members should confirm to by 30th September if they areable to attend.


Invitations to a range of events

Bereavement support group for people 50+ - being run at St Johns on

Fridays 1.30 to 3.00 for 6 weeks contact 01273-729603

Age UK - 50th Anniversary - 2nd September at Emporium London Road

Mayors charity event on 10th September at Carousel Kings Arches at £25.

Strike a Light - Arts & Heritage events in September & Oct. Project manager at Fabrica

Proposed Closure of Crown Post Office - Brunswick - OPC member/s supported campaign against closure

LAT - Portslade - minutes of meeting & notice of 21st September meeting

Theatre Royal - Information re group discounts - for groups 10+

Contemporary Dance Classes - for 60+ years 12.45 to 2.15 Thursdays at Marina Studios, 11 Mermaid Walk, Brighton. It is £90 for 12 sessions (discount for pension credit) 07780-708864

Falls Prevention Needs Assessment Workshop on 14th October at 9.30 to 1pm at Brighthelm



Age Action Alliance - Age Action Alliance Money Matters Working group want to promote awareness of Pensioner Credit & increase take up

Later Life - reported on Age UK report that eligible pensioners have £3.7 billion unclaimed in Pensioner Credit & Housing Benefit

Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce - various events across the


Fabrica - Daytime events including visit to the Keep



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