Agenda item - General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2016/17
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Agenda item
General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2016/17
- Meeting of Budget Council, Council, Thursday, 25th February, 2016 4.30pm (Item 87.)
- View the background to item 87.
Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 11th February 2016, together with a report of the Acting Director of Finance & Resources (copies attached).
87.1. The Mayor noted that all three budget areas listed as Items 87, 89 and 90 would be debated together, along with Item 88 Supplementary Financial Information, once the proposed budget and the various amendments had been moved and seconded. She therefore invited Councillor Morgan to propose the budget for 2016/17.
87.2. Prior to Councillor Morgan introducing the Budget proposals, there was a short disturbance from Members of the public. The Mayor therefore called a short adjournment to allow those members of the public to have their say and for officers to reach an agreement with them on any future disturbances and to note that the Mayor would request the removal of any person causing a disturbance from the meeting.
87.3. The meeting was adjourned at 16.47 and reconvened at 16.55 and the Mayor invited Councillor Morgan to move the Budget for 2016/17.
87.4. Councillor Morgan stated that he wished to thank finance officers and all the officers across the council involved in the budget process and his colleagues in enabling the budget papers to be brought to the council meeting. He stated that it was an honour and privilege to be able to move the Labour & Co-operative Group’s first budget. The Council faced unprecedented demands and pressures but he believed the Administration’s budget proposals would allow the council to build a better future for the city. It was likely to be very different from that of 2010 by 2019 and he noted that a number of leading figures and organisations had expressed their concerns for the future of local government. He also noted that the Government had sought to help the shire counties at the expense of other authorities in more need and referred to Surrey County Council which had received £11m as opposed to the City Council’s £30k in transitional funding. He acknowledged that local authorities would be able to retain their full receipts from Business Rates but noted that this would not come into effect until 2020 and therefore would not have any impact on the current financial situation faced by those authorities.
87.5. Councillor Morgan stated that it was the Administration’s intention to work with colleagues from Health to improve people’s quality of life and to make better use of resources and invest in areas so that homes could be provided and opportunities offered to the young people in the city. He also noted that the Council had an obligation to set a budget and not obstruct the process and therefore he hoped that following the debate a budget could be set that would deliver the services for the residents of the city.
87.6. Councillor Hamilton formally seconded the Budget proposals and stated that he wished to add his thanks to the officers involved in addressing the predicted overspend and bringing forward a budget for 2016/17. He stated that no-one wanted to have to make cuts to services and areas but the reduction in government funding left no choice with the council facing a savings target of £68m by 2019. He believed the decision to adopt a four-year plan to meet these savings was the right approach and recommended the Budget for 2016/17 to the Council.
87.7. Councillor Wealls stated that he wished to move six amendments to the Budget for 2016/17 on behalf of the Conservative Group, five in relation to the General Fund and one in relation to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). He also wished to record his thanks to the finance officers who had been instrumental in enabling the Group to put forward the amendments and understand the overall budget position of the council. He acknowledged that the budget process had not been an easy task and that there were tremendous pressures in Adult Services and Children’s Services as well as a high demand for housing within the city. There were tough choices to be made and the Conservative Group had sought to support those decisions where possible and had called for greater collaboration with other authorities in delivering services and to look at alternative models involving the community and voluntary sectors.
87.8. Councillor Wealls then outlined the various amendments and hoped that these would be supported and accepted as being fair and prudent. He also welcomed the four-year plan approach and noted that this had been taken into account in bringing forward the proposed amendments.
87.9. Councillor G. Theobald formally seconded the proposed amendments and noted that there were fantastic opportunities within the city that would benefit the council if certain projects were taken forward. He also wished to thank the finance officers for their help during the budget process and hoped that all Members would support the amendments that had been put forward. He also noted that the council’s independent auditors had once again commented on the high cost of services within the authority and questioned when these would be addressed.
87.10. Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that he had been contacted by a number of residents in regard to the budget proposals and concerns over government cuts and their impact on services. The Green Group did not believe that services should be put against each other in regard to making cuts and as it stood the Group could not support a cuts budget that was going to drive up inequality and poverty in the city. There would be a loss of access to essential services such as meals on wheels and youth provision with the impact felt by the most vulnerable and poorest in the city. He also noted that over 360 staff had been involved in consultations over redundancies and many were choosing to leave the organisation before the impact of the cuts was felt. It meant that the council was likely to lose the experience and knowledge base that it needed to deliver services. He was concerned about the overall lack of consultation on the budget proposals and the opportunity to discuss options. It was therefore not possible for the Green Group to support the budget and it would endeavour to oppose as many cuts as possible.
87.11. The Mayor then opened the matter up to a general debate and the following Members of the Council spoke on the various amendments that had been put forward as well as the general prevailing budget proposals and position:
Councillors Robins, Barford, Miller, Barnett, Deane, Druitt, Bewick, Mears and Mitchell.
87.12. The Mayor noted that the meeting had been in session for two hours and stated that she intended to take a short adjournment for a refreshment break.
87.13. The meeting was then adjourned at 6.30pm.
87.14. The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 7.00pm and reopened the general debate during which the following Members spoke on the amendments and budget proposals:
Councillors Brown, Meadows, K. Norman, Sykes, Barradell, Simson, Phillips, Daniel, C. Theobald, Littman, Yates, Janio, Gibson, Chapman, Nemeth, Hill, Wares, Penn, Moonan, Peltzer Dunn, Bell, Inkpin-Leissner, Taylor, Atkinson, Gilbey and Morris.
87.15. The Mayor congratulated Councillors Chapman and Penn on their maiden speeches on behalf of the Council.
87.16. The Mayor noted that all Members wishing to speak during the debate had done so. She then called on Councillor Hamilton to respond to the debate and the amendments.
87.17. Councillor Hamilton thanked the Mayor and stated that in giving consideration to the amendments moved he felt that the proposed changes to trade union facilities was something that needed to have been consulted on through an appropriate process rather than simply implemented. He recognised that there was room for change but could not support these amendments without having had any consultation. In regard to amendment number 6, as Chair of the Members Advisory Group on Grants he questioned the need to add an additional £145k into a budget that was already underspent and suggested that it would be better to leave it under the HRA budget. He could not see how a reduction of £68m over four years could be achieved without job losses and reconfiguration of services and would welcome any proposals that would prevent that. In the meantime he recommended the budget proposals as outlined to the council for approval.
87.18. The Mayor stated that Items 87 and 88 would be taken together. She intended to put each of the amendments to the vote, during which she would call on the Acting Director for Finance & Resources to confirm the budgetary position should any amendment be carried and have an impact on the overall budget. She would then put the substantive recommendations to the vote as outlined in the procedural rules.
87.19. The Mayor then asked for the electronic voting system to be activated and put the Conservative Group’s amendments to the vote:
Conservative Amendment No.1
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
X |
Mac Cafferty |
X |
2 |
Atkinson |
X |
Marsh |
X |
3 |
Barford |
X |
Meadows |
X |
4 |
Barnett |
ü |
Mears |
ü |
5 |
Barradell |
X |
Miller |
ü |
6 |
Bell |
ü |
Mitchell |
X |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
X |
8 |
Bewick |
X |
Morgan |
X |
9 |
Brown |
ü |
Morris |
X |
10 |
Cattell |
X |
Nemeth |
ü |
11 |
Chapman |
X |
Norman A |
ü |
12 |
Cobb |
ü |
Norman K |
ü |
13 |
Daniel |
X |
O’Quinn |
X |
14 |
Deane |
X |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
X |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
16 |
Gibson |
X |
Penn |
X |
17 |
Gilbey |
X |
Phillips |
X |
18 |
Apologies |
Robins |
X |
19 |
Hamilton |
X |
Simson |
ü |
20 |
Hill |
X |
Sykes |
X |
21 |
Horan |
X |
Taylor |
ü |
22 |
Hyde |
ü |
Theobald C |
ü |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
X |
Theobald G |
ü |
24 |
Janio |
ü |
Wares |
ü |
25 |
Knight |
X |
Wealls |
ü |
26 |
Lewry |
ü |
West |
X |
27 |
Littman |
X |
Yates |
X |
Total |
20 |
32 |
0 |
87.20. The Mayor confirmed that the amendment was lost by 20 votes to 32
Conservative Amendment No.2
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
X |
Mac Cafferty |
ü |
2 |
Atkinson |
X |
Marsh |
X |
3 |
Barford |
X |
Meadows |
X |
4 |
Barnett |
ü |
Mears |
ü |
5 |
Barradell |
X |
Miller |
ü |
6 |
Bell |
ü |
Mitchell |
X |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
X |
8 |
Bewick |
X |
Morgan |
X |
9 |
Brown |
ü |
Morris |
X |
10 |
Cattell |
X |
Nemeth |
ü |
11 |
Chapman |
X |
Norman A |
ü |
12 |
Cobb |
ü |
Norman K |
ü |
13 |
Daniel |
X |
O’Quinn |
X |
14 |
Deane |
ü |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
ü |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
16 |
Gibson |
ü |
Penn |
X |
17 |
Gilbey |
X |
Phillips |
ü |
18 |
Apologies |
Robins |
X |
19 |
Hamilton |
X |
Simson |
ü |
20 |
Hill |
X |
Sykes |
ü |
21 |
Horan |
X |
Taylor |
ü |
22 |
Hyde |
ü |
Theobald C |
ü |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
X |
Theobald G |
ü |
24 |
Janio |
ü |
Wares |
ü |
25 |
Knight |
ü |
Wealls |
ü |
26 |
Lewry |
ü |
West |
ü |
27 |
Littman |
ü |
Yates |
X |
Total |
29 |
23 |
87.21. The Mayor confirmed that the amendment was carried by 29 votes to 23
Conservative Amendment No.3
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
X |
Mac Cafferty |
X |
2 |
Atkinson |
X |
Marsh |
X |
3 |
Barford |
X |
Meadows |
X |
4 |
Barnett |
ü |
Mears |
ü |
5 |
Barradell |
X |
Miller |
ü |
6 |
Bell |
ü |
Mitchell |
X |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
X |
8 |
Bewick |
X |
Morgan |
X |
9 |
Brown |
ü |
Morris |
X |
10 |
Cattell |
X |
Nemeth |
ü |
11 |
Chapman |
X |
Norman A |
ü |
12 |
Cobb |
ü |
Norman K |
ü |
13 |
Daniel |
X |
O’Quinn |
X |
14 |
Deane |
X |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
X |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
16 |
Gibson |
X |
Penn |
X |
17 |
Gilbey |
X |
Phillips |
X |
18 |
Apologies |
Robins |
X |
19 |
Hamilton |
X |
Simson |
ü |
20 |
Hill |
X |
Sykes |
X |
21 |
Horan |
X |
Taylor |
ü |
22 |
Hyde |
ü |
Theobald C |
ü |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
X |
Theobald G |
ü |
24 |
Janio |
ü |
Wares |
ü |
25 |
Knight |
X |
Wealls |
ü |
26 |
Lewry |
ü |
West |
X |
27 |
Littman |
X |
Yates |
X |
Total |
20 |
32 |
87.22. The Mayor confirmed that the amendment was lost by 20 votes to 32
Conservative Amendment No.4
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
X |
Mac Cafferty |
X |
2 |
Atkinson |
X |
Marsh |
X |
3 |
Barford |
X |
Meadows |
X |
4 |
Barnett |
ü |
Mears |
ü |
5 |
Barradell |
X |
Miller |
ü |
6 |
Bell |
ü |
Mitchell |
X |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
X |
8 |
Bewick |
X |
Morgan |
X |
9 |
Brown |
ü |
Morris |
X |
10 |
Cattell |
X |
Nemeth |
ü |
11 |
Chapman |
X |
Norman A |
ü |
12 |
Cobb |
ü |
Norman K |
ü |
13 |
Daniel |
X |
O’Quinn |
X |
14 |
Deane |
X |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
X |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
16 |
Gibson |
X |
Penn |
X |
17 |
Gilbey |
X |
Phillips |
X |
18 |
Apologies |
Robins |
X |
19 |
Hamilton |
X |
Simson |
ü |
20 |
Hill |
X |
Sykes |
X |
21 |
Horan |
X |
Taylor |
ü |
22 |
Hyde |
ü |
Theobald C |
ü |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
X |
Theobald G |
ü |
24 |
Janio |
ü |
Wares |
ü |
25 |
Knight |
X |
Wealls |
ü |
26 |
Lewry |
ü |
West |
X |
27 |
Littman |
X |
Yates |
X |
Total |
20 |
32 |
87.23. The Mayor confirmed that the amendment was lost by 20 votes to 32.
Conservative Amendment No.5
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
X |
Mac Cafferty |
X |
2 |
Atkinson |
X |
Marsh |
X |
3 |
Barford |
X |
Meadows |
X |
4 |
Barnett |
ü |
Mears |
ü |
5 |
Barradell |
X |
Miller |
ü |
6 |
Bell |
ü |
Mitchell |
X |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
X |
8 |
Bewick |
X |
Morgan |
X |
9 |
Brown |
ü |
Morris |
X |
10 |
Cattell |
X |
Nemeth |
ü |
11 |
Chapman |
X |
Norman A |
ü |
12 |
Cobb |
ü |
Norman K |
ü |
13 |
Daniel |
X |
O’Quinn |
X |
14 |
Deane |
X |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
X |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
16 |
Gibson |
X |
Penn |
X |
17 |
Gilbey |
X |
Phillips |
X |
18 |
Apologies |
Robins |
X |
19 |
Hamilton |
X |
Simson |
ü |
20 |
Hill |
X |
Sykes |
X |
21 |
Horan |
X |
Taylor |
ü |
22 |
Hyde |
ü |
Theobald C |
ü |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
X |
Theobald G |
ü |
24 |
Janio |
ü |
Wares |
ü |
25 |
Knight |
X |
Wealls |
ü |
26 |
Lewry |
ü |
West |
X |
27 |
Littman |
X |
Yates |
X |
Total |
20 |
32 |
87.24. The Mayor confirmed that the amendment was lost by 20 votes to 32
Conservative Amendment No.6
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
X |
Mac Cafferty |
ü |
2 |
Atkinson |
X |
Marsh |
X |
3 |
Barford |
X |
Meadows |
X |
4 |
Barnett |
ü |
Mears |
ü |
5 |
Barradell |
X |
Miller |
ü |
6 |
Bell |
ü |
Mitchell |
X |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
X |
8 |
Bewick |
X |
Morgan |
X |
9 |
Brown |
ü |
Morris |
X |
10 |
Cattell |
X |
Nemeth |
ü |
11 |
Chapman |
X |
Norman A |
ü |
12 |
Cobb |
ü |
Norman K |
ü |
13 |
Daniel |
X |
O’Quinn |
X |
14 |
Deane |
ü |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
ü |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
16 |
Gibson |
ü |
Penn |
X |
17 |
Gilbey |
X |
Phillips |
ü |
18 |
Apologies |
Robins |
X |
19 |
Hamilton |
X |
Simson |
ü |
20 |
Hill |
X |
Sykes |
ü |
21 |
Horan |
X |
Taylor |
ü |
22 |
Hyde |
ü |
Theobald C |
ü |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
X |
Theobald G |
ü |
24 |
Janio |
ü |
Wares |
ü |
25 |
Knight |
ü |
Wealls |
ü |
26 |
Lewry |
ü |
West |
ü |
27 |
Littman |
ü |
Yates |
X |
Total |
29 |
23 |
87.25. The Mayor confirmed that the amendment was carried by 29 votes to 23.
87.26. The Mayor confirmed that the Conservative Group’s amendments No’s. 1, 3, 4 and 5 had been lost and that amendments No’s 2 and 6 had been carried.
87.27. The Mayor noted that various amendments had been carried and in order for the revised council tax resolutions to be prepared and circulated to Members, she proposed to adjourn the meeting for a period of 20 minutes.
87.28. The Mayor then adjourned the meeting at 8.40pm.
87.29. The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 9.00pm and invited the Acting Director for Finance & Resources to confirm the budget position.
87.30. The Acting Director of Finance & Resources confirmed that the two amendments had been reflected in the revised council tax resolutions that had been circulated. These changes needed to be taken into account by Members prior to their vote on the budget proposals although the proposed 3.99% council tax rise remained the same.
87.31. The Mayor then put the proposed General Fund Revenue Budget based on a 3.99% council tax increase as amended to the vote.
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
ü |
Mac Cafferty |
X |
2 |
Atkinson |
ü |
Marsh |
ü |
3 |
Barford |
ü |
Meadows |
ü |
4 |
Barnett |
X |
Mears |
X |
5 |
Barradell |
ü |
Miller |
X |
6 |
Bell |
X |
Mitchell |
ü |
7 |
Bennett |
X |
Moonan |
ü |
8 |
Bewick |
ü |
Morgan |
ü |
9 |
Brown |
X |
Morris |
ü |
10 |
Cattell |
ü |
Nemeth |
X |
11 |
Chapman |
ü |
Norman A |
X |
12 |
Cobb |
X |
Norman K |
X |
13 |
Daniel |
ü |
O’Quinn |
ü |
14 |
Deane |
X |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
X |
Peltzer Dunn |
X |
16 |
Gibson |
X |
Penn |
ü |
17 |
Gilbey |
ü |
Phillips |
X |
18 |
Apologies |
Robins |
ü |
19 |
Hamilton |
ü |
Simson |
X |
20 |
Hill |
ü |
Sykes |
X |
21 |
Horan |
ü |
Taylor |
X |
22 |
Hyde |
X |
Theobald C |
X |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
ü |
Theobald G |
X |
24 |
Janio |
X |
Wares |
X |
25 |
Knight |
X |
Wealls |
X |
26 |
Lewry |
X |
West |
X |
27 |
Littman |
X |
Yates |
ü |
Total |
23 |
29 |
0 |
87.32. The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been lost by 23 votes to 29.
87.33. The Mayor stated that in view of the failure to set a General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2016/17, she proposed to adjourn the meeting for a period of 30 minutes, in order to enable the respective Leaders and their Groups to discuss matters and seek a way forward.
87.34. The Mayor then adjourned the meeting at 9.05pm.
87.35. The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 10.35pm and apologised for the delay. She stated that she had been made aware of a revised amendment and would call on Councillors G. Theobald and Wealls to move and second the amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group.
87.36. The Mayor then noted that in order to proceed she needed to move that the Council Procedure Rules be suspended further in accordance with Council Procedural Rule 1.7 to enable the new amendment and the substantive budget to be moved and voted on.
87.37. The motion was carried.
87.38. The Mayor then invited Councillor G. Theobald to move the amendment and revised substantive budget.
87.39. Councillor G. Theobald stated that he was delighted and pleased to be able to move the revised amendment which had been circulated; and wished to commend Councillor Morgan on his role during the negotiations. He therefore moved the revised amendment as follows:
Amendments 2, 3 and 6 as per the addendum:
It is proposed to release £0.095m of the recurrent resources identified in paragraph 3.6 of the supplementary Report (page 408) and replace with one-off funding of £0.095m. This amendment does not change any of the allocations included in paragraph 3.6 of the Supplementary Report.
It is proposed that the following additional savings are made in the General Fund revenue budget for 2016/17:
· Additional saving of £0.019m from senior management and related support through the review of the top four tiers of management. This is in addition to the savings related to Management Spans & Accountability already included in the Four Year Service & Financial Plans.
To utilise the additional £0.114m recurrent resources generated to:
· Remove the savings proposal of £0.086m in respect of Residential, Respite and Short Breaks on page 96.
· Reduce the savings proposal of £0.144m in respect of Housing Support services on page 121 by £0.028m in order to protect against increasing homelessness.
The alternative savings proposals set out above require £0.100m revenue reserves to manage the part-year implementation in 2016/17. It is proposed to reduce the contribution to the Restructure & Redundancy Reserve for 2016/17 by £0.100m and this contribution will be reinstated as a first call on any reserves created by any reduction in the projected overspend for 2015/16 between now and the year-end.
It is proposed that the following additional savings are made in the General Fund revenue budget for 2016/17:
· Further savings of £0.020m across the Travellers budgets through improved management of the Horsdean site and increased income once the site is fully operational.
· Further savings of £0.030m across Housing Services through deletion of a vacant administrative post.
To utilise the additional £0.050m resources generated to:
· Remove the savings proposal of £0.050m in respect of Environmental Protection on page 187 in order to reinstate the Noise patrol service.
It is proposed that the following additional ongoing saving is made in the Housing Revenue Account budget for 2016/17:
· Make further efficiencies of £0.075m across Housing Management by bringing forward service wide reviews and reducing reliance on agency staff.
· Reduce the increase in direct revenue funding of the HRA capital programme by £0.070m.
To utilise the additional £0.145m resources generated to:
· Remove the savings proposal of £0.145m in respect of HRA contribution to the community grants programme in order to support third sector organisations as the community grants programme moves to the new commissioning model.
The following amendment be further agreed to replace amendments 1, 4 and 5.
It is proposed that the following additional savings are made in the General Fund revenue budget for 2016/17:
· Additional saving of £0.120m from management, administration and related support. This is in addition to the savings related to Management Spans & Accountability already included in the Four Year Service & Financial Plans.
· Reduce the budget for Trade Union facility time by £0.030m.
The additional £0.150m recurrent resources generated will be used to:
· Reinstate funding of £0.060m for public conveniences to reduce the impact of deferred saving from 2015/16.
· Provide £0.040m additional recurrent resources for verge cutting across the city, equivalent to one additional cut per year.
· Reduce the savings proposal of £0.054m relating to mental health preventive contracts on page 83 by £0.050m to £0.004m.
The alternative savings proposals set out above require £0.043m revenue reserves to manage the part-year implementation in 2016/17. It is proposed to reduce the contribution to the Restructure & Redundancy Reserve for 2016/17 by £0.043m and this contribution will be reinstated as a first call on any reserves created by any reduction in the projected overspend for 2015/16 between now and the year-end.
87.40. Councillor Wealls formally seconded the proposed amendment and revised substantive budget.
87.41. The Mayor then asked for the voting system to be activated and put the revised amendment as outlined to the vote.
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
ü |
Mac Cafferty |
X |
2 |
Atkinson |
ü |
Marsh |
ü |
3 |
Barford |
ü |
Meadows |
ü |
4 |
Barnett |
ü |
Mears |
ü |
5 |
Barradell |
ü |
Miller |
ü |
6 |
Bell |
ü |
Mitchell |
ü |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
ü |
8 |
Bewick |
ü |
Morgan |
ü |
9 |
Brown |
ü |
Morris |
ü |
10 |
Cattell |
ü |
Nemeth |
ü |
11 |
Chapman |
ü |
Norman A |
ü |
12 |
Cobb |
ü |
Norman K |
ü |
13 |
Daniel |
ü |
O’Quinn |
ü |
14 |
Deane |
X |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
X |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
16 |
Gibson |
X |
Penn |
ü |
17 |
Gilbey |
ü |
Phillips |
X |
18 |
Apologies |
Robins |
ü |
19 |
Hamilton |
ü |
Simson |
ü |
20 |
Hill |
ü |
Sykes |
X |
21 |
Horan |
ü |
Taylor |
ü |
22 |
Hyde |
ü |
Theobald C |
ü |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
ü |
Theobald G |
ü |
24 |
Janio |
ü |
Wares |
ü |
25 |
Knight |
X |
Wealls |
ü |
26 |
Lewry |
ü |
West |
X |
27 |
Littman |
X |
Yates |
ü |
Total |
43 |
9 |
87.42. The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been carried by 43 votes to 9.
87.43. The Mayor noted that the amendment had been carried and therefore put the General Fund Revenue Budget based on a 3.99% council tax increase as amended; together with the supplementary financial information to the vote.
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
ü |
Mac Cafferty |
X |
2 |
Atkinson |
ü |
Marsh |
ü |
3 |
Barford |
ü |
Meadows |
ü |
4 |
Barnett |
ü |
Mears |
ü |
5 |
Barradell |
ü |
Miller |
ü |
6 |
Bell |
ü |
Mitchell |
ü |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
ü |
8 |
Bewick |
ü |
Morgan |
ü |
9 |
Brown |
ü |
Morris |
ü |
10 |
Cattell |
ü |
Nemeth |
ü |
11 |
Chapman |
ü |
Norman A |
ü |
12 |
Cobb |
ü |
Norman K |
ü |
13 |
Daniel |
ü |
O’Quinn |
ü |
14 |
Deane |
X |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
X |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
16 |
Gibson |
X |
Penn |
ü |
17 |
Gilbey |
ü |
Phillips |
X |
18 |
Apologies |
Robins |
ü |
19 |
Hamilton |
ü |
Simson |
ü |
20 |
Hill |
ü |
Sykes |
X |
21 |
Horan |
ü |
Taylor |
ü |
22 |
Hyde |
ü |
Theobald C |
ü |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
ü |
Theobald G |
ü |
24 |
Janio |
ü |
Wares |
ü |
25 |
Knight |
X |
Wealls |
ü |
26 |
Lewry |
ü |
West |
X |
27 |
Littman |
X |
Yates |
ü |
Total |
43 |
9 |
87.44. The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried by 43 votes to 9.
87.45. Formal Council Tax Resolution
1 It be noted that at on 21 January 2016 the Council calculated the Council Tax Base 2016/17:
(a) for the whole Council area as 86,173.00 (Item T in the formula in Section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the "Act")); and
(b) for dwellings in those parts of its area to which special items relate:
Rottingdean Parish – 1,533.40
Hanover Crescent Enclosure – 44.20
Royal Crescent Enclosure – 29.40
2 Calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council's own purposes for 2016/17 (excluding Parish precepts) is £119,982,000.
3 That the following amounts be calculated for the year 2016/17 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Act:
(a) £700,937,863 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils.
(b) £580,912,048 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.
(c) £120,025,815 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 31B of the Act).
(d) £1,392.85 being the amount at 3(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts).
(e) £70,803 being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.
(f) £1,392.03 being the amount at 3(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 3(e) above by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special items relates.
(g) £1,420.60 Rottingdean Parish
£1,562.96 Hanover Crescent
£1,558.02 Marine Square
£1,657.81 Royal Crescent
being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 3(f) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council's area mentioned above divided in each case by the relevant amount at 1(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its council tax for the year for the dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.
Valuation Band: |
A* |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
Parts of the Council's area |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
Rottingdean Parish |
789.22 |
947.07 |
1,104.91 |
1,262.76 |
1,420.60 |
1,736.29 |
2,051.98 |
2,367.67 |
2,841.20 |
Hanover Crescent |
868.31 |
1,041.97 |
1,215.64 |
1,389.30 |
1,562.96 |
1,910.28 |
2,257.61 |
2,604.93 |
3,125.92 |
Marine Square |
865.57 |
1,038.68 |
1,211.79 |
1,384.91 |
1,558.02 |
1,904.25 |
2,250.47 |
2,596.70 |
3,116.04 |
Royal Crescent |
921.01 |
1,105.21 |
1,289.41 |
1,473.61 |
1,657.81 |
2,026.21 |
2,394.61 |
2,763.02 |
3,315.62 |
All other parts of the councils area |
773.35 |
928.02 |
1,082.69 |
1,237.36 |
1,392.03 |
1,701.37 |
2,010.71 |
2,320.05 |
2,784.06 |
* Entitled to disabled relief
4 To note that the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Fire Authority have issued precepts to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each category of dwellings in the Council's area as indicated in the table below:
Band: |
A* |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner |
82.73 |
99.27 |
115.82 |
132.36 |
148.91 |
182.00 |
215.09 |
248.18 |
297.82 |
* Entitled to disabled relief
Band: |
A* |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
East Sussex Fire Authority |
48.18 |
57.81 |
67.45 |
77.08 |
86.72 |
105.99 |
125.26 |
144.53 |
173.44 |
* Entitled to disabled relief
5 That the Council, in accordance with Section 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the aggregate amounts shown in the tables below as the amounts of Council Tax for 2016/17 for each part of its area and for each of the categories of dwellings.
Valuation Band: |
A* |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
Parts of the Council's area |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
Rottingdean Parish |
920.13 |
1,104.15 |
1,288.18 |
1,472.20 |
1,656.23 |
2,024.28 |
2,392.33 |
2,760.38 |
3,312.46 |
Hanover Crescent |
999.22 |
1,199.05 |
1,398.91 |
1,598.74 |
1,798.59 |
2,198.27 |
2,597.96 |
2,997.64 |
3,597.18 |
Marine Square |
996.48 |
1,195.76 |
1,395.06 |
1,594.35 |
1,793.65 |
2,192.24 |
2,590.82 |
2,989.41 |
3,587.30 |
Royal Crescent |
1,051.92 |
1,262.29 |
1,472.68 |
1,683.05 |
1,893.44 |
2,314.20 |
2,734.96 |
3,155.73 |
3,786.88 |
All other parts of the councils area |
904.26 |
1,085.10 |
1,265.96 |
1,446.80 |
1,627.66 |
1,989.36 |
2,351.06 |
2,712.76 |
3,255.32 |
* Entitled to disabled relief
6 In accordance with Section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 the Council determines its relevant basic amount of council tax for the financial year 2016/17 is not excessive.
Supporting documents:
- Item 87 - Extract from P&R - General Fund, item 87. PDF 99 KB View as HTML (87./1) 33 KB
- General Fund Revenue Budget and Council Tax 201617, item 87. PDF 350 KB View as HTML (87./2) 236 KB
- Appendix 1 Movement in budget allocations, item 87. PDF 71 KB View as HTML (87./3) 90 KB
- Appendix 2 Change in budget projections since 3 Dec 2015, item 87. PDF 124 KB View as HTML (87./4) 14 KB
- Appendix 3 Specific Grants, item 87. PDF 114 KB View as HTML (87./5) 114 KB
- Appendix 4 Review of reserves, item 87. PDF 172 KB View as HTML (87./6) 153 KB
- Appendix 5 Assessment of Risks, item 87. PDF 113 KB View as HTML (87./7) 111 KB
- Appendix 6 Council Budget Strategy, item 87. PDF 139 KB View as HTML (87./8) 15 KB
- Appendix 7 4 Year Service & Financial Plans, item 87. PDF 3 MB View as HTML (87./9) 356 KB
- Appendix 8 Minimum Revenue Provisions statements, item 87. PDF 79 KB View as HTML (87./10) 12 KB
- Appendix 9 Prudential Indicators 2016/17 to 2018/19, item 87. PDF 170 KB View as HTML (87./11) 26 KB
- Appendix 10 Equalities Impact Assessment - Cumulative impact, item 87. PDF 191 KB View as HTML (87./12) 122 KB
- Appendix 11 Equalities Impact Assessment - Individual, item 87. PDF 951 KB View as HTML (87./13) 1 MB
- Appendix 12 Carbon Budget for 2016/17, item 87. PDF 53 KB View as HTML (87./14) 30 KB
- Appendix 13 Summary report Budget Consultation, item 87. PDF 652 KB View as HTML (87./15) 601 KB
- Items 87 & 90 (i)-(vi) ConGrp amendments, item 87. PDF 38 KB