Agenda item - Promoting Emotional and Mental Health in Schools - A new Approach

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Agenda item

Promoting Emotional and Mental Health in Schools - A new Approach

Report of Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)




RESOLVED: That the Committee noted and approved the direction of travel of the Emotional and Mental Health Project.


33.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services regarding the provision of emotional and mental health support for children, young people and their families. The report was introduced by the Assistant Director (Children’s and Adult Services), the Strategic Commissioner Children’s Services and Ms A Kelly (Cardinal Newman RC Secondary School).


33.2    Councillor Marsh welcomed the report and, as said that as a Governor at Bevendean Primary School, she was pleased that that school would be involved in the pilot scheme for primary schools.


33.3    Councillor Barradell thanked officers for the report, and asked what the cost implications would be of rolling out the initiative across all schools.


33.4    Councillor Brown welcomed the report and said she looked forward to seeing the evaluation after the conclusion of the pilot scheme and hoped that, if it was successful, it could be rolled out across all schools.


33.5    Councillor Taylor thanked officers for the report and for highlighting the challenges faced by some young people and said that this was a positive step to address the issues facing some people.


33.6    Councillor Phillips thanked officers for the report and hoped that it could be expanded for other schools.  She was concerned that the possibility of cutting Children’s Centres would impact service provision, and lead to knock on effect to young people and their families.


33.7    The Executive Director of Children’s Services said that funding had been provided by both NHS England through the CCG, and the Council. There was no additional cost to the Authority, with current resources being moved.


33.8    Ms Tilly thanked officers for the report and said that early intervention was important. She asked how young people were referred to the service.  The Assistant Director (Children’s and Adult Services) said that some young people were identified by the School/Authority and some referred themselves. In all cases there was an emphasis on early intervention.


33.9    Ms Needham said that Sussex Community Trust was also involved, supplying trained nurses to the project and the feedback had been very positive.


33.10 Ms Tilly asked if Year 11-13 would be included, and was advised that at the moment they weren’t but the scheme had very recently and it was an age they would consider.


33.40 Ms M Takriti suggested that it may be useful to have a website that set out the services and how they could be accessed.


33.10 Mr M Jones asked whether those with mental health issues would be identified as being SEND. The Assistant Director (Children’s and Adult Services) said that mental health was one category of SEND.


33.11  The Chair thanked officers for the report and asked that the Committee receive an update in due course.


33.12 RESOLVED: That the Committee noted and approved the direction of travel of the Emotional and Mental Health Project.

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