Agenda item - Music & Arts Service

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Agenda item

Music & Arts Service

Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)



46.1    RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed:


(i)            That the work to develop a full business case for the merger of the Music & Arts service with the Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival trust continues


(ii)          That the full business case be presented for approval to the Policy & Resources Committee in January 2016


46.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services regarding the Music and Arts Service. The report asked for approval to allow work to continue to prepare the Music and Arts service and the SoundCity the Music Education Hub to merge with the Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival Trust.


46.2    Councillor Marsh asked for whether the musical instruments currently owned by the Music and Arts Service would be included in the merge and whether any such merger would impact on the Arts Council grant. Chivers said that any grant would be ring fenced, and any resources held by the Music and Arts Service would play a key part in the business plan.


46.3    Councillor Phillips asked if, the merger went ahead, all staff would be TUPEd across to the new service. Chiverssaid they would, but that would be a matter for the Policy & Resources Committee when they considered the fuller report at their meeting in January 2016.


46.4    Councillor Brown said the Music and Arts Service was excellent and she would the proposals put forward.


46.5    Mr Jones said that learning to play a musical instrument was expensive and asked if current subsidies would continue. Chiverssaid that the aim was to continue to subsidise the service for those who needed it.


46.1    RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed:


(i)            That the work to develop a full business case for the merger of the Music & Arts service with the Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival trust continues


(ii)          That the full business case be presented for approval to the Policy & Resources Committee in January 2016

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