Agenda item - Chair's Communications
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Agenda item
Chair's Communications
38.1 The Chair noted that this was the first public meeting held by Brighton & Hove City Council since the tragic events in Paris on 13 November 2015. Many people had sadly lost their lives and many more had been profoundly affected by what had happened, and he asked that a minutes silence be held to remember those involved.
38.2 The Chair said that this was the last meeting for the two Youth Council representatives, Riziki Millanzi and Amy-Lou Tilley. He thanked them both for their involvement with the Committee and wished them the best for the future. He said that the two new representatives, Krisztian Darvas and Kyra Kybble were in the public gallery and he welcomed them to the meeting.
38.3 The Chair said that since the last meeting of the Committee two Ofsted inspections had been held for local schools, and asked the Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion to update the Committee. The Committee were advised that St Mark’s CE Primary had undergone a two day inspection, and that Ofsted had given the school a ‘Good’ rating. St John the Baptist Catholic Primary underwent a short inspection and also received a ‘Good’ rating. The Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion was very pleased to say that 84.7% of the schools in the city were now rated as ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’.
The Chair welcomed the outcomes and said he would write to St Marks CE Primary and St John the Baptist Catholic Primary to congratulate them.