Agenda item - School Attendance

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Agenda item

School Attendance

Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)



44.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services which provided information on school attendance for all children and young people in Brighton & Hove. The report was presented by Ellen and Gill manton


44.2    Councillor Chapman asked if the authority had considered the Isle of Wight case regarding unauthorised absence. He was advised that the case, at this stage, had only been considered by the Magistrates Court and the matter would be monitored.


44.3    Councillor Brown referred to the petition presented to the last meeting of the Committee regarding unauthorised absence, and asked what options were being considered. Jo Lyons said that a number of issues were being looked at, and a full report would come to the next meeting of the Committee.


44.4 Councillor Wealls noted that the unauthorised absence for secondary schools in the city was low compared to neighbouring authorities. Gill said that the issue was being monitored and, although the rate was slightly lower than nearby authorities, schools did have good attendance overall.


44.5    Councillor Daniel said it was important that children attend school, but there shouldn’t be a complete focus on 100% attendance; if a child was genuinely ill they shouldn’t be at school and shouldn’t be pressured into going. The Chair agreed and said a mechanism was needed to deal with those children who were not attending without good reason.


44.6    Mr Jones said he agreed with Councillor Daniel, and said there needed to be an understanding that some children would be ill.  Ellen agreed.


44.7    RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report and endorsed the focus on improving school attendance.

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