Agenda item - Traveller Service Waste Contract Procurement

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Agenda item

Traveller Service Waste Contract Procurement

Report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).


1)            That the committee approves the procurement of a contract for the provision of waste services for Gypsy, Roma, Traveller sites for a period of three years.


2)            That the committee grants delegated authority to the Acting Executive Director Environment Development & Housing,  in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance-


(i)            to carry out the procurement of the contract referred to in 1) above including the award and letting of the contract;


(ii)          To grant an extension to the contract referred to in 1) above of up to two years following consultation with the Procurement Board.


61.1      The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment Development & Housing that sought approval for the procurement of a new Traveller waste contract that would cover waste removal and disposal from official and unauthorised encampments on council land.


61.2      Councillor Janio stated his concerns regarding the length of contract and the procurement value. Councillor Janio added that he did not support the delegation of powers to grant an extension to the contract as he believed this should be determined by the committee and moved a motion to delete recommendation 2.2 (ii) as per the report.


61.3      Councillor Nemeth seconded the motion.


61.4      The Head of Tenancy Services stated that advice from the council’s procurement and legal teams was for the contract to be advertised based on current expenditure levels although officers were of the view that the establishment of new sites would lead to a reduction in operational costs. Removing the option of a two-year extension would not reduce the cost of the contract but officers would work to the decision taken by the committee.


61.5      Councillor Janio noted that there had been significant problems in fluctuating costs in this area over the past few years and he believed that the committee should have determination on any extension of the contract.


61.6      The Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing stated that it was good practice to offer an extension to a contract as the offer of a fixed term contract normally led to an increase in cost in the tendering process. Furthermore, a decision on whether to take up that extension still rested with the council and if it was felt in three year’s time that the contract did not reflect good value, the extension could be rejected. That decision would rest with the Procurement Advisory Board that was represented by Members of each political group.


61.7      Councillor West stated that the cost of clean-ups were high and the only way forward in reducing costs was to invest further in proper provision.


61.8      The Chair proposed a motion to amend recommendation 2.2 (ii) as shown in bold italics below:


2.2 (ii) to grant an extension to the contract referred to in 2.1 above of up to two years should he/she consider it appropriate at the relevant time following consultation with the Procurement Board.


61.9      Councillor Janio stated that he was in support of the proposal and he would withdraw his motion given that assurance.


61.10   Councillor Miller stated he found it unfair that residents of the city had to pay for refuse collection via council tax yet those living on Traveller sites did not. Councillor Miller added that this was even more difficult to view in the context of proposed cuts to the Park Ranger service that maintained public space for thousands of people. Councillor Miller suggested the council look at the provision of bins to Traveller sites that were paid for and if these were not used, offenders be prosecuted under fly tipping laws.


61.11   Councillor Robins noted a number of positive changes listed at 3.10 specifically the charging by tonnage of waste rather than bins emptied.


61.12   Councillor Nemeth asked how the council’s recent fly tipping campaign and policies would overlap with the proposed contract.


61.13   The Head of Tenancy Services stated that officers worked closely with colleagues in Cityclean and this had led to fly tipping prosecutions in the past. In reference to refuse equipment, the Head of Tenancy Service explained that the council did not charge for the provision of bins as in doing so, that the council would be giving permission to sites recognised as unauthorised encampments.


61.14   Councillor Nemeth stated that he understood the council had purchased expensive surveillance equipment a number of years ago and asked if this equipment was currently used.


61.15   The Head of Strategy & Projects clarified that he would look into this matter and provide an update to Members.


61.16   The Chair then put the recommendations, as amended to the vote which passed.


61.17   RESOLVED-


1)            That the committee approves the procurement of a contract for the provision of waste services for Gypsy, Roma, Traveller sites for a period of three years.


2)            That the committee grants delegated authority to the Acting Executive Director Environment Development & Housing,  in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance-


(i)            to carry out the procurement of the contract referred to in 1) above including the award and letting of the contract;


(ii)          To grant an extension to the contract referred to in 1) above of up to two years following consultation with the Procurement Board.

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