Agenda item - Members' Update

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Agenda item

Members' Update


147.1  Members updated each other on their actions this month:

·         Mike – has been to the Health and Wellbeing Board and met with Councillor Yates regarding Adult Social Care

He met the Senior Housing Action Group re concerns about laundry charges, investigated issues related to digital inclusion.

The OPC has received a grant to help with communication materials

·         Francis- has been to the Age Friendly City focus group, Pensioners Action and to a self funding carers meeting

·         Colin – has been to the Health and Wellbeing Board  and meeting; he’s also been to the Falls Prevention workshop

·         Lynne- has been to the Age Friendly City meeting and had also met with a range of community organisations working with older people

·         Nick  - has been to various Hangelton and Knoll meetings





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