Agenda item - Financial Position Update

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Agenda item

Financial Position Update

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on 4 November 2015; together with a report of the Interim Executive Director of Finance & Resources (copies attached).



1)            That the report be noted


52.1      The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Finance & Resources that set out an update of the council’s financial position as at Month 6 2015/16. The report had been referred for information from the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on 4 November 2015.


52.2      Councillor Druitt asked for a breakdown of agency staff recruitment historically and under the current financial controls and the reasons for the employment of agency staff.


52.3      The Head of Financial Services stated that he did not have those figures to hand but could provide further information on agency spend subsequent to the meeting. The Head of Financial Services clarified that agency spend was usually used in areas and to positions where it was difficult to recruit staff.


52.4      Councillor Taylor noted that savings at risk had increased from £900,000 at Month 5 to £1.1m at Month 6 and asked the reasons behind that.


52.5      The Head of Financial Services said that an analysis of the movement could be provided to Councillor Taylor.


52.6      Diane Bushell asked how the overspend in NHS Partnership arrangements would be challenged.


52.7      The Head of Financial Services clarified that the council were working closely with partners in the NHS to reduce the overspend. Furthermore, the council was in regular discussions with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to examine whether there was an underlying funding issue. The Head of Financial Services added that due to the nature of the S75 agreement, the NHS Trust managed S75 services require different treatment and discussions to council-controlled budgets.


52.8      RESOLVED- That the report be noted

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