Agenda item - Minutes
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Agenda item
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the last Council meeting held on the 22nd October 2015 (copy attached).
53.1 The minutes of the last ordinary meeting held on the 22nd October 2015 were approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record of the proceedings; subject to an amendment to paragraph 39.15 which was changed as shown in bold italics to read as follows at Councillor Cobb’s request:
39.15 “Councillor Cobb stated that she fully agreed with the petition and felt that the city was behind in regard to the provision of leisure facilities and noted that technology more than 30 years ago used the heat from a swimming pool to cool the ice of an ice rink and vice versa. She was sure that technology had advanced over this time period, and suggested that the proposed King Alfred development should be able to provide such a facility to enable the inclusion of an ice-rink.”
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