Agenda item - Any Other Business

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Agenda item

Any Other Business


28.1    Barry Hughes raised concern that Tracey Waters, the Communications Officer, was leaving at the end of November and what effect this would have on tenants and leaseholders. He requested assurance that Brighton & Hove City Council intended to continue publishing Homing In in printed magazine form and not online. It was added that distribution of the magazine should be broadened to include leaseholders and all residents.


28.2    The Resident Involvement Manager explained that there is a resident involvement budget and that it could be cut. The Head of Income Involvement & Improvement stated that the circulation would not be extended due to the cost and viewing it online would be promoted to reduce printing costs. It was added that residents would be consulted through focus groups, emails and area panels before anything changed.


28.3    The Chair stated to the Panel that he wished to hold an informal meeting at 2pm, 11 January 2016 in Tyson Place, Brighton to discuss budgets.


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