Agenda item - Adoption of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 1
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Agenda item
Adoption of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 1
Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 17th March 2016 (copy to follow); together with a report of the Acting Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
Note: A copy of the proposed City Plan – Part 1 has been circulated separately to the agenda papers to Members only and copies will made available at the meeting.
105.1. Councillor Mitchel introduced, and formally moved, the report that the Council adopt the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 1. Councillor Mitchell thanked the contributions and work from Officers, Members, community groups and businesses, and noted that the originally working group had been set up in 2005. Thanks were extended to Councillors Mac Cafferty and C. Theobald who worked to steer the emerging City Plan alongside Councillor Mitchell. The plan was of fundamental importance for the city and would enable local planning policy focused around local priorities and the safeguarding of sensitive sites. It would promote an integrated transport system; reduce the negative impact of traffic pollution and provide a vital means for the authority to resist inappropriate development across the city.
105.2. Councillor Mitchell went on to highlight that the plan would provide guidance for those wishing to invest; it also contained a sustainable infrastructure delivery plan and provided options to move to Community Infrastructure Levy. The plan had been assessed against the NPPF and the plan was strengthened by an up to date housing land assessment. It was welcomed that the Inspector has recognised the difficult position of the city between the coast and down land, and the majority of the proposed development would come forward on brownfield sites. The authority had also been able to successfully argue the necessity to maintain high energy efficiency standards. Finally Councillor Mitchell welcomed the co-operation with neighbouring authorities and the acceptable that some of the housing need for the city could be met within these authorities; this further strengthened the role of the Greater Brighton Economic Board and working on a sub-regional basis.
105.3. Councillor G. Theobald noted the necessity for the authority to have an approved plan, and highlighted that the aims of the Conservative Group had been to protect as many of the greenfield sites as possible. He noted his support of the report.
105.4. Councillor Cattell noted that she had been involved in the plan in different capacities before becoming an elected Member in May 2015. She was very pleased to commend the report for approval and noted that, if approved, the Planning Committee would use the policies straight away to determine planning applications. She thanked Officers for all their work, and welcomed the next challenge to deliver the plan. She stated that the adoption of the plan was the most important decision before Council that evening as it would shape and inform development in the city for the next 15 years.
105.5. Councillor C. Theobald thanked Officers for the work to reach this point in the adoption of the plan, and she paid tribute to Councillor Mitchell for her dedicated. She agreed that it was important the authority protect the urban fringe around the city by resisting inappropriate development, and noted that the challenge in Part 2 of the plan would be to ensure the delivery of 13,200 housing units. There was some disappointment with aspects of the plan, and the suitable of Toads Hole Valley for development was queried; however, the vast majority of excellent work was commended.
105.6. Councillor Morris highlighted the five wards in the city where the article 4 directive applied in relation to HMOs; he noted that policy CP21 in the plan provided a strong policy basis to assess the granting of HMOs consents at a time when both universities in the city were intending to expand.
105.7. Councillor Wealls noted the points he had raised at the Policy & Resources Committee in relation to tall buildings on the Hove Seafront, and the assurance that the City Plan would continue to resist development above 6-8 storeys.
105.8. Councillor Morgan stated that the Plan would support growth and create new jobs; as well as encourage new businesses by ensuring new employment space was provided. The City Plan provided the necessary policy framework to deliver a new Brighton Centre and the redevelopment of the King Alfred, as well as the necessary seafront improvements. The principal office areas would be in the centre of the city, and the plan recognised the important role of the health and educational services in providing jobs. It also recognised the arts and cultural contribution to the city’s economy through support of public realm improvements in the cultural quarter.
105.9. Councillor Mac Cafferty thanked the work of Officers involved as well as Councillors Mitchell and C. Theobald. The plan would help shape development in the city up to 2030, and it laid out how the balance between homes, jobs and resisting inappropriate development would be achieved. The potential risk of not having an approved was highlighted; as well the work that would be required to ensure the housing was delivered through Part 2 of the plan.
105.10. Councillor Yates noted that the plan would help to deliver a happier and healthier city; as well as the infrastructure to ensure needs could be met. It was also important that the plan delivery consistency and ensure trust was built that the local authority was making sound decisions on resident’s behalf.
105.11. Councillor Mitchell thanked the speakers for their positive contributions.
105.12. The Mayor noted that the report and the recommendations had been moved and put them to the Council for approval.
105.13. RESOLVED – That Council resolves to agree that:
1) The submitted Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One including its annexes and Policies Map, amended to include all the main modifications recommended by the planning inspector to make the plan sound, together with other minor modifications already noted by 16 October 2014 Policy and Resources Committee be adopted and published (including any consequential and other appropriate alterations for the purposes of clarification, improved accuracy of meaning or typographical corrections, being necessary) in accordance with Section 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
2) It notes that on adoption of the City Plan Part 1 a number of policies in the 2005 Brighton & Hove Local Plan will be superseded. These superseded policies are listed in Annex 4 of the City Plan Part 1 (a copy is placed in the Members’ Rooms and available on the council’s website);
3) That the ‘Objectively Assessed Need for Housing: Brighton & Hove, June 2015’ study is approved as supporting evidence for the City Plan and further Development Plan Documents (summarised in Appendix 4).
Supporting documents:
- Adoption of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 1, item 105. PDF 136 KB View as HTML (105./1) 40 KB
- Appendix 1 Inspector's Report, item 105. PDF 115 KB
- Appendix 2 - Inspector's Main Modifications, item 105. PDF 5 MB
- Appendix 3 - Other Modifcations, item 105. PDF 159 KB View as HTML (105./4) 120 KB
- Appendix 4 - Summary of Updated OAN Study, item 105. PDF 45 KB View as HTML (105./5) 10 KB
- FINAL version cityplan March 2016, item 105. PDF 49 MB
- FINAL combined Annexes March 2016 (2), item 105. PDF 810 KB
- East with Central Area March 2016, item 105. PDF 12 MB
- West with Central Area March 2016, item 105. PDF 13 MB
- Item 105 - Extract from P&R - City Plan, item 105. PDF 124 KB View as HTML (105./10) 35 KB