Agenda item - Support Functions Review

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Agenda item

Support Functions Review

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 3rd December 2015 (copy to follow), together with a report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).


65.1         RESOLVED:


(1)          That Brighton & Hove City Council joins the Orbis Joint Committee as a founding partner, with the terms of reference as set out in appendix 2 (as they now stand) subject to necessary modifications to reflect expanded membership and the Council’s committee system;


(2)          That it appoints Councillor Les Hamilton to the Orbis Joint Committee on behalf of Brighton & Hove City Council;


(3)          That subject to Council agreeing to recommendation 2.5 in the report and satisfactory due diligence, delegate the power to enter into the inter-authority agreement and the power to make the final decision on operational changes to the Chief Executive, Section 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer and authorise the same to take all steps necessary or incidental to the implementation of the recommendations;


(4)          That the terms of reference of the Orbis Joint Committee as detailed in the appendix 1 to the extract be approved; and


(5)          That the appointment of a substitute Member of the Joint Committee as designated by the Leader of the Council and notified to the Chief Executive be agreed.

Supporting documents:


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