Agenda item - Gambling Policy
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Agenda item
Gambling Policy
- Meeting of Licensing Committee (Licensing Act 2003 Functions), Thursday, 3rd March, 2016 3.15pm (Item 29.)
- View the background to item 29.
Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached)
29.1 The Committee considered a report of the Director of Public Health setting out the proposed Draft Gambling Policy 2016-2018 requesting that approval be given to carry out consultation on the draft policy.
29.2 It was noted that it was a requirement of the Gambling Act 2005 that Licensing Authorities prepare, every three years, a statement (also known as a Policy) of the principles which they propose to apply when exercising their functions ,and they must publish the statement following the procedure set out in the Act, including whom they should consult.
29.3 Licensing officers, in conjunction with colleagues from the Public Health analyst team had been re-writing the Gambling Statement of Principles in light of the forthcoming changes to the Licensing Conditions and Code of Practice (LCCP) and Guidance for Local Authorities (GLA), to incorporate the new social responsibility requirements which come into force in April 2016. A document outlining the key changes was included at appendix 2 to the report. A report had been brought before Committee in November 2015 when the existing Gambling Policy had last been refreshed. The report before the Committee represented an interim review which included some minor changes and updating of out of date information.
29.4 In order to fully update the Policy to take on board changes in legislation it was proposed that a full consultation be undertaken which would last for 3 months. Following analysis of that consultation, officers would report back to committee with a proposed Gambling Policy which, if approved, will progress to Full Council for approval.
29.5 Councillor Simson commended the report which provided an interesting and timely update. The successful work carried out in concert with the Gambling Commission following a series of failed test purchases which had highlighted a particular problem was noted and welcomed.
29.6 Councillor Page referred to the Licensing Objectives and to the fact that mental health impacts could now be taken into account, the impact of gambling addiction both on individuals and their families could be devastating. It was explained that generally the focus of the Gambling Act was slightly different to that of Licensing Policies and that overall there had been a reduction in the number of such premises across the city over recent years. Generally, the operation of these premises had not given rise to as many problems as other types of licensed premises nor had a negative impact within the night time economy.
29.7 Councillor Wares enquired regarding the cost of carrying out the consultation and it was explained that these costs, which would be minimal, would be covered by the level of fees charged. Councillor Wares noted this but requested that details of the costs involved be included in the further report to Committee following the consultation.
29.8 A vote was taken and the 14 Members present voted unanimously in respect of the recommendation set out in the report.
29.9 RESOLVED – That the Committee instruct officers to carry out consultation on the draft policy (attached as appendix 1 to the report).
Note: Councillor West was not present at the meeting during consideration of the above item.
Supporting documents:
- Gambling Policy, item 29. PDF 96 KB View as HTML (29./1) 20 KB
- Enc. 1 for Gambling Policy, item 29. PDF 996 KB View as HTML (29./2) 229 KB
- Enc. 2 for Gambling Policy key changes, item 29. PDF 128 KB View as HTML (29./3) 20 KB
- Enc. 3 for Gambling Policy Local Area Profile prototype, item 29. PDF 654 KB View as HTML (29./4) 1 MB