Agenda item - The Alignment of INSET Days and the Pattern of School Holidays

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Agenda item

The Alignment of INSET Days and the Pattern of School Holidays

Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)


Contact Officers: Richard Barker                           Tel: 01273 290732

Ward(s) Affected: All Wards



56.1    RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed:


(1)   That schools and governing bodies are consulted on the proposal to co-ordinate a proportion of INSET days in an academic year.


(2)  To consult schools and governing bodies on the possibility to align the INSET days to straddle a weekend outside of term dates to provide a potential week’s holiday for families when holidays are less expensive.


(3)  To consult with all relevant stakeholders on a proposal to set annual term dates for 2017-18, which would create an additional week of holiday during the academic year.


(4)  To include one proposal of changing the pattern of existing school holidays as a way of creating an additional week of holiday whilst maintaining 190 days of statutory education.


(5)  To consult with stakeholders on the establishment of an additional ‘stand-alone’ holiday of a week’s length outside of term dates to provide a potential week’s holiday for families when holidays are less expensive.


56.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services    which informed the Committee about the possibility of aligning INSET days in the city’s schools and the possibility of changing the pattern of school holidays. The report was introduced by the Head of School Organisation. 


56.2    Councillor Brown said that she agreed with the proposal to reduce the summer holiday by one week to allow a two week break during the Autumn term, and would support a consultation. However, she felt that INSET days shouldn’t be amalgamated as they were needed by staff throughout the academic year.


56.3    Councillor O’Quinn said that she would support a consultation into the possibility of creating a two week break during the Autumn term.


56.4    Councillor Chapman agreed that shortening the Summer holiday and creating a longer break in the Autumn term was a good idea and would support the recommendation to consult stakeholders. He agreed with the other members of the Committee that INSET were required throughout the academic year, and therefore would not support the proposal to align those days.


56.5    Councillor Barradell noted that there was a vast difference in holiday prices inside and outside of school holiday dates, and would therefore support an extra week of holiday outside of the traditional term times. She suggested that rather than have an extra week in the Autumn term, that consideration also be given to alternative dates such as during the Spring term when it would be warmer, and to shorten the Easter break to long weekend to accommodate any change.


56.7    Mr Jones agreed with Councillor Barradell, and said that a long Easter weekend rather than a two week break would enable an additional holiday to be created during the Spring term. He also suggested that consideration be given to creating a holiday during May when many students would be studying for exams.


56.8    Councillor Taylor said he supported a shorter Summer holiday and a longer break elsewhere in the academic year.


56.9    The Committee noted that recommendation 2.4 was ambiguous and considered amending it. Councillor Daniel suggested that the wording be amended to read ‘To include one proposal of changing the pattern of existing school holidays as a way of creating an additional week of holiday whilst maintaining 190 days of statutory education’. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Barradell. The Committee voted and agreed with the amendment.


56.10  RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed:


(1)   That schools and governing bodies are consulted on the proposal to co-ordinate a proportion of INSET days in an academic year.


(2)  To consult schools and governing bodies on the possibility to align the INSET days to straddle a weekend outside of term dates to provide a potential week’s holiday for families when holidays are less expensive.


(3)  To consult with all relevant stakeholders on a proposal to set annual term dates for 2017-18, which would create an additional week of holiday during the academic year.


(4)  To include one proposal of changing the pattern of existing school holidays as a way of creating an additional week of holiday whilst maintaining 190 days of statutory education.


(5)  To consult with stakeholders on the establishment of an additional ‘stand-alone’ holiday of a week’s length outside of term dates to provide a potential week’s holiday for families when holidays are less expensive.

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