Agenda item - School Admission Arrangements 2017/18

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Agenda item

School Admission Arrangements 2017/18

Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)


Contact Officer: Richard Barker                             Tel: 01729 290732

Ward(s) Affected: All Wards


59.1    RESOLVED: The Committee agreed –


(1)  That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents (as set out in appendix 2 to the report - with the exception of Brackenbury Primary School where the Published Admission Number be amended from 60 to 30), be adopted for the admissions year 2017/18.


(2)  That the admission priorities for Community Schools set out in the Consultation documents be adopted for all age groups.


(3)  That the co-ordinated schemes of admission be approved.


(4)  That the City boundary be retained as the relevant area for         consultation for school admissions.


59.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services regarding school admission arrangements for 2017/18. The report was introduced by the Head of School Organisation.


59.2    The Committee were advised that the Portslade Partnership of Schools had requested a reduction in school places, and the Governors at Brackenbury Primary School had requested that the Published Admission Number (PAN) for 2017/18 be reduced from 60 to 30. The Head of School Organisation said that the school had agreed that if, in the future, more school places were needed in that part of the city, they would work with the Council to review the PAN.


59.3    The Chair suggested that the first Recommendation be amended to read ‘That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents (as set out in appendix 2 to the report - with the exception of Brackenbury Primary School where the Published Admission Number be amended from 60 to 30), be adopted for the admissions year 2017/18’. The amendment was seconded by Councillor Chapman. The amendment was agreed by the Committee.


59.4    RESOLVED: The Committee agreed –


(1)  That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents (as set out in appendix 2 to the report - with the exception of Brackenbury Primary School where the Published Admission Number be amended from 60 to 30), be adopted for the admissions year 2017/18.


(2)  That the admission priorities for Community Schools set out in the Consultation documents be adopted for all age groups.


(3)  That the co-ordinated schemes of admission be approved.


(4)  That the City boundary be retained as the relevant area for consultation for school admissions.

Supporting documents:


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