Agenda item - Chair's Communications
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Agenda item
Chair's Communications
The Chair of the Board will start the meeting with a short update on recent developments on health and wellbeing.
51.1 The Chair stated:
I would like to welcome John Child to this meeting. John started work as the Chief Operating Officer at the Clinical Commissioning Group on Monday. I would also like to thank Claire Holloway who has covered this role, for attending the Board, not only today but since October. Thank you Claire and we wish you well.
Tripartite Planning
Following the release of 2016/17 national planning guidance for the NHS this month, I recently attended the NHS England and NHS Improvement teams planning workshop for the south east. The objectives of the workshop were to provide:
• An understanding of the national planning guidance;
• An overview of how the joint assurance and triangulation of plans will work;
• An opportunity to explore and understand how operational and strategic plans should link with other plans, for example Better Care Funding plans, as well as understanding the importance of triangulation with the plans being developed between commissioners and providers; and
• A consolidated understanding of the local planning context alongside peers, local partners, regulators and other technical subject matter experts.
The agenda was designed to provide an opportunity for local health system leaders to work collaboratively during the afternoon session to consider the next steps to developing your Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). This is the start of a longer process and no doubt reports will come to the Board in due course.
Sugar Smart
As you are aware we have been undertaking a consultation as part of the sugar debate. Over 1100 responses were received and we thank you all for your contributions. A report summarising the results and a sugar smart action plan will come to the Health and Wellbeing Board shortly.
Brighton and Hove Impetus
Impetus is an independent organisation delivering a range of services aimed at improving the well-being and quality of life of vulnerable adults across the City. Its work enables users to access appropriate statutory services, reduce their isolation and exercise positive choices about their lives. The service users include people with learning disabilities, people with mental health issues, older people, people with physical disabilities and people with autistic spectrum conditions. Impetus had a conference in January aimed seeing how other areas support parents who had learning needs and disabilities look after their children.
University Pharmacy contract update
I am happy to announce that the University Pharmacy has been awarded an ongoing Local Pharmaceutical Services (LPS) contract and will continue to meet the needs of local patients which includes a large number of students. The contract will allow the pharmacy to continue receiving additional funding to sustain the service at the university campus, which students rely upon. It also recognises the proactive approach the pharmacy is taking to support the ongoing provision of services at the site.
Community Meals
Brighton and Hove City Council currently purchases its Community Meals Service via a Contract with the Royal Voluntary Service (‘the RVS’). RVS deliver meals to people in their own homes. The current Contract expires on the 31st of March 2016 and the RVS have stated that due to the costs of their current operating model, they do not intend to continue the Contract beyond this date. This tender is now in the market place and initial applications will be evaluated during the first week of February 2016; it will not be a closed list as organisations can apply to join at any time. It is envisaged that the outcome of the procurement is the development of a ‘Community Meals Menu’; a single document providing a resource for residents in Brighton and Hove which will cover both meal delivery, a list of local lunch clubs and a list of local shops that provide delivery services. Adult Social Care is working closely with RVS to ensure a smooth transition to the new service from 1st April 2016. Assessment teams are identifying vulnerable people and plans are being put in place to ensure that people who need a well-being check continue to receive one.
The Board will be updated as this progresses.
Transforming Care
Following on from fly on the wall documentary at Winterbourne View there have been a number of requirements on the NHS and Local Authorities to review and improve the care for people with complex learning disabilities, and or autism, mental health issues and or challenging behaviours who were being treated in hospitals.
Although a considerable amount of work had taken place, the review by the National Audit Office published in February 2015, highlighted a number of areas across the country where the ambitions had not been met. In the South there are few in-patient beds and, when required, people often end up receiving treatment a number of miles away that can result in isolation from any existing family and/or friends. It is known that, those remaining in hospital for the South, are people who overall, have complex needs and require complex and costly packages of care in order to support them and those around them, safely in the community. There is a paucity of appropriate providers able to deliver this care and in order to ensure cost effective market development, joining together with partners is essential. Overall there is a need to radically change the management and delivery of support and care for people with learning disabilities and or autism and or mental health who display challenging behaviours from “birth to grave”. A multi CCG and tri Local Authority piece of work is underway to seek improvements in East, West Sussex and Brighton and Hove. Like the Mental Health Transformation Plan which came to the Board several times recently, this has a tight timeline with various submission dates. I have therefore asked the lead officer Soline Jerram, Lead Nurse, Director of Clinical Quality and Patient Safety, Brighton & Hove CCG to kindly present to the Board in June an update of the ‘Building the Right Support’ programme.
Healthy Child Programme 0-19 Public Health services
Result of market testing
Brighton and Hove City Council is planning and considering the options for the commissioning of Public Health services for children and young people in the city aged up to 19 years. This may include the procurement of these services during 2016. In January 2016 the Council conducted a market testing exercise to gage interest from potential providers. Providers were not asked to provide their ideas for a service delivery model but were asked to provide details of their organisation’s experience and interest in providing services in relation to the Healthy Child Programme. Three providers responded. These providers deliver services locally, however not all have experience of delivering Public Health nursing services for the Healthy Child Programme. Providers expressed interest in developing an integrated Public Health service working with a range of partners. No providers from the private sector responded to the market testing. Commissioners and procurement officers will continue to consider the options for the future commissioning of these services. The Director of Public Health will bring a report to the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting on 15th March 2016 with recommendations on the way forward for the commissioning of these services from 1st April 2017.
Community Health and Wellbeing Network event
Tomorrow (Wednesday 3rd Feb) there is a network event to meet and engage with some of the many organisations in the City that provide and support the health and wellbeing of our residents. I know several members of the Board will be attending to meet over 50 health and wellbeing services, including those from the voluntary and community sector.