Agenda item - Formal Public Involvement
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Agenda item
Formal Public Involvement
This is the part of the meeting when members of the public can formally ask questions of the Board or present a petition. These need to be notified to the Board 3 working days in advance of the meeting. Ring the Secretary to the Board, Mark Wall on 01273 291006 or send an email to
52.1 The Chair noted that two public questions had been received.
52.2 The Chair invited Ms V Knight to put her question to the Board.
52.3 Ms Knight asked the following question:
A significant factor leading to closure of Promenade Ward at Mill View Hospital was the transfer of Substance Misuse Services from Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust to Cranston/Surrey and Borders Partnership Foundation Trust. SPFT’s loss of funding means it cannot support in-patient doctors on Promenade Ward. The short term “gain” in outsourcing SMS has resulted in:
· a dramatic decline in local SMS services
· the loss of many experienced staff
· B&H no longer having its own detox ward
Please explain why your initial impact assessment did not identify these outcomes and how you will repair these dangerous and unacceptable negative outcomes
52.4 The Chair replied:
Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) gave notice on the contract for the provision of substance misuse inpatient detoxification beds in December 2015. The service currently provided by SPFT is funded by a separate contract, commissioned on BHCC’s behalf by the Clinical Commissioning Group. SPFT also receive funding from East Sussex and a number of London boroughs for the two inpatient detoxification wards they currently operate. The majority of staff previously employed by SPFT for the substance misuse community service transferred to the new provider and continue to work in this capacity. The local connection to third sector organisations involved in delivering substance misuse support is strong. Feedback from staff and patients to commissioners on the changes has in fact been generally very positive. Since receiving notice of SPFT's intention to withdraw from substance misuse services altogether, the Public Health Team of BHCC have been working with a range of providers, including SPFT, to secure alternative service provision from the 1st April 2016. As with all significant service changes, an Equalities Impact Assessment is being undertaken, to ensure that any negative impact of the changes are understood and reduced where possible. A paper is under development for the March 2016 Health and Wellbeing Board to provide more detail, and also to give the Board assurance regarding the continued provision of safe and effective in-patient detoxification services to this vulnerable client group
I am also happy to provide you with a more detailed response in writing.
52.5 The Chair asked Ms Knight if she had a supplementary question. Ms Knight asked: Those procuring from Promenade Ward have now lost those beds, and I wonder where those beds are being made up and where those who need the service go.
52.6 The Director of Public Health said: I think that SPFT may be better placed to give a full response, but I am sure they would not have abandoned that group and we are working with them to ensure this group of clients receive the correct care, and receive a smooth transition to another provider. For some patients it is better for them to receive care outside of their local area and away from influences which could impact on their recovery.
52.6 The Chair invited Ms Morley to put her question.
52.7 The Chair was advised that Ms Morley was not able to attend the meeting, and so Mr Vincent would ask the question.
52.8 Mr Vincent asked the following question:
Would the Board advice us what urgent steps it intends to take to ensure the continuity of all the current health services provided for patients at the five GP surgeries in Brighton and Hove covered by The Practice Group contract.
52.9 The Chair gave the following response:
Our first item on the Board agenda today will be a presentation from NHS England supported by the CCG. This will give us all an up to date report on the current situation following the decision by the Practice Group to withdraw from their contract to provide services at the five GP surgeries, and the next actions NHSE and the CCG will be taking. The Board will obviously wish to hear the presentation and ask questions prior to agreeing any action of its own. However I am sure all the Board is keen to ensure that there is a suitable solution found that meets the varied needs of the residents who use the 5 surgeries concerned.
52.10 The Chair asked if Mr Vincent had a supplementary question. Mr Vincent asked:
If the timetable overruns will the Board put in place a contingency plan for continuous care?
52.11 The Chair thanked Mr Vincent, and said that that issue would be covered in Item 53 on the agenda.
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