Agenda item - To consider nominations for the Deputy Mayor-elect
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Agenda item
To consider nominations for the Deputy Mayor-elect
The Mayor will seek nominations for the Deputy Mayor-elect for the 2016-17 municipal year in line with the agreed process; whereby the current Deputy Mayor will become the Mayor at the Annual Meeting in May 2016.
59.1 The Mayor noted that the arrangements for the mayoralty had been changed in the previous year and therefore sought nominations for the Deputy Mayor-elect for the 2016/17 municipal year.
59.2 Councillor Meadows nominated Councillor Mo Marsh as Deputy Mayor-elect.
59.3 Councillor Morgan formally seconded the nomination.
59.4 Councillor G. Theobald stated that the Conservative Group were happy to support the nomination.
59.5 The Mayor noted that there were no other nominations and put the nomination of Councillor Marsh as Deputy Mayor-elect for the 2016/17 municipal year to the Council which was agreed.
59.6 RESOLVED: That Councillor Marsh be appointed as Deputy Mayor-elect for the 2016/17 municipal year.