Agenda item - Mutual Exchange Incentives

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Agenda item

Mutual Exchange Incentives

Report of Acting Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).


(1)            That it is agreed to extend financial incentives to downsizing tenants completing a mutual exchange.



55.1   The Committee considered the report of the Acting Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing which explained that Housing has been looking to introduce a Mutual Exchange Incentive Scheme, to encourage more downsizing among under occupiers affected by the reduction in Housing Benefit (HB) for having a spare bedroom.  Currently, tenants wanting to downsize are paid up to £2,500 if they transfer to a smaller property through Homemove. This proposal would extend these payments to tenants downsizing through mutual exchanges as well, using the existing criteria and procedures.  The report was presented by the Project Officer, Welfare Reform.


55.2   Members welcomed the report which they considered very positive but concerns were raised with regard to people wanting a mutual exchange when they were in arrears.  The Project Worker, Welfare Reform explained that officers would consider whether consent should be given to the mutual exchange, and whether any conditions should be imposed. The Re-housing team would deal with the process of mutual exchange. 


55.3    RESOLVED:-


(1)            That it is agreed to extend financial incentives to downsizing tenants completing a mutual exchange.


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